WPPizza Extensions Bundle

Pre-defined Bundles have been discontinued due to their inflexibility and are only still available for renewals.

The “Mix’N’Match” discount will automatically apply for any 3 or more items purchased

Bundle of the 6 most popular WPPizza extensions

Contains latest versions of:

  • Add Ingredients
  • Delivery By Postcode
  • Timed Menu
  • Preorder
  • Coupons and Discounts
  • Google Cloudprint – (Will be discontinued by Google from 1/1/2021 – please see here)

Note: Bundle does not include any gateways


WPPizza v2.16 or later (including wppizza v3.x)

Renewing existing bundles: If you have purchased one of the now discontinued bundles in the past, you can still renew the licences as before by entering your existing “Licence Key” at checkout to receive your renewal discount as normal based on the bundle price at time of purchase.