WPPizza – Realex Gateway
Global Iris / Realex Gateway for WPPizza – Enables Global Iris / Realex Payments for orders using the WordPress WPPIZZA Plugin – Requires WPPIZZA 2.15+
Implementatiom Type
Redirect / Hosted Payment Page (HPP) Integration.
(more details about the Global Iris / Realex HPP integration here)
- php 5.3+, WPPizza 2.15+
- you must (obviously) have a Realex/Global Iris account
- the currency set in WPPizza->Order Settings MUST be accepted by and enabled in your Realex account
- you MUST ask Global Iris / Realex to whitelist the domain you are installing the gateway on
- you MUST set your Merchant ID and Shared Secret Key as given to you by Realex/Global Iris when you signed up
- optional (but recommended): set an account name associated with it (see image)
- optional: enable HomeCurrencyPay (if enabled in your account). see screenshots below
- optional: enable alternative payment methods – (if enabled in your account – RealEx only). see screenshots below
- Note: an SSL certificate is NOT required for this implementation
- install by uploading the zip file in the normal wordpress manner from withing the plugin screen (add new->upload) and activate
- ensure the domain you are installing the gateway on (or just the full url of your order page if you prefer) is whitelisted by Global Iris / Realex (you will have to contact them)
- go to wppizza->gateways : realex and set options as required (Merchant Id, Shared Key etc)
- to enable the output of a label and the total purchase value on the payment page do the following
- log into to your RealEx / Global Iris Account
- click on “settings”
- click on “client settings”
- under “redirect client configuration” set the account name you are using with this website and that has been set in wppizza->gateways : realex-> account name
- in the “info text” field paste the following code
<#COMMENT_1#><br />
(also see Screenshots – Admin : Setup Payment Page below)
- for testing card numbers please contact global iris/realex directly
Screenshots – Frontend:
click images for larger versions
Order Page![]() | Payment Page![]() Standard | Payment Page![]() with totals etc | HomePay Enabled![]() | Payment Methods Enabled![]() |
Screenshots – Admin:
click images for larger versions
Options Settings![]() WPPizza->gateways | Setup Payment Page Purchase Info![]() RealEx/Global Iris Account |