Search Results for 'sms'

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  • #8895

      I would like to ask a question about which SMS / Mail2Fax plugin use to print with the printer gprs.
      Thank You


      In reply to: Export Customers


        The restaurant wishes to enable guest checkouts to increase conversion rates whilst maintaining the ability to Remarket email and SMS promotions in the future.

        Thanks anyway, I suppose I’ll create a function for this.

        Admin & Mod

          in case any of you guys are still following this thread/topic (or anyone else for that matter that reads this)

          i am trying to develop something that at least sends an sms to a gprs printer as well as some order notifications to a phone too (either being optional)

          however, due to the fact that i haven’t got one of those printers and am no going to buy one as I personally have no need for it, it would be great if someone would be willing to be a bit of a guinea pig for testing some things (in return for a version of that plugin of course when it’s done)

          it’s early days, and probably not – initially anyway – going to be a 2 way thing (i.e receive sms, enter time , send back sms etc. as that – from what i can see – depends on proprietary hardware)

          for starters though the idea is to – at least – send any received orders to a gprs enabled printer directly plus an sms confirmation to some sms enabled phonenumber …..

          there are a few caveats but i am happy to point these out if someone is prepared to initially “lend” me a printer so to speak i can send stuff to (i.e is prepared to waste some paper) to see and check how things print out to be able to make the necessary adjustments to get going on that project



          In reply to: Export Customers

          Admin & Mod

            >The restaurant wishes to enable guest checkouts to increase conversion rates whilst maintaining the ability to Remarket email and SMS promotions in the future.

            and this would be completely illegal. never mind GDPR (which may or may not apply to that restaurant)
            it’s simply called SPAM


              Hi Robert

              Great to find someone who has got an SMS printer working with this plugin.
              I too would love to check out this plugin/code behind.


              Admin & Mod

                Hi Lars,

                somewhat I think Robert has fallen off the face of the planet (at least I don’t know of anyone who got a reply)

                in any case, what exactly do you need it to do? Just send an SMS to a printer when an order gets received or some sort of 2-way “conversation” with a customer ?

                reason why I am asking is that I do have a working version here, but it’s not yet as complete as I would like it to be.
                However, if you are prepared to be a bit of a guinea pig I wouldn’t mind doing a bit of testing with your SMS printer (as I do not have or indeed need one) and get some feedback as to what it looks like for starters (in return you’d get the plugin naturally)

                having said that , as there will always be carrier costs involved, what I have here utilises the tm4b ( sms gateway.
                not sure if the prices they charge would be suitable for you .
                what country are you in ?

                if i am guessing correctly and you are in Denmark, they charge 0.04 GBP per/sms . Don’t know if that is a competitive/acceptable price where you are though…

                Admin & Mod

                  you will need to program that depending on your printer and the sms gateway you are using
                  so where it says :

                  /**now implement however your sms/email2fax gateway implements things to send things to that tel/fax no**/
                  //->send your sms to $customerTel		

                  insert your code to do this

                  Admin & Mod

                    in theory you can do that, however , as there would be carrier costs involved, there is no generic way to implement something that does that (as – depending on where you are – prices and options will differ)

                    having said that , there are a lot of email 2 sms providers out there you can choose from which should easily allow you to set this up (which one works for you is something for you to decide though as it would depend on your location etc)

                    furthermore, IF you were to do that you should consider the following.
                    SMS has a character limit per message, so if you have a large order and want to send the whole order as sms to the customer, it will be a multi-part message (with multiple message charges to you !!)

                    secondly, in todays world of smartphones , more and more people will have email on their phone anyway…..(not everyone of course)

                    Either way, just my 2 cents really


                      Good Morning,
                      I wanted to ask about which SMS / Mail2Fax gateway use to print with printers gprs.
                      Thank you very much.

                      Admin & Mod

                        >We need a printer that works with http …
                        well, that’s got nothing to do with SMS at all then…oh well.
                        if you have a printer that connects to the net, you can do all sorts of other things (cloudprinting etc)

                        >It is possible I can write you an e-mail …
                        probably the best idea. no need for those kind of conversations to fill up stuff here as it won’t really help anyone
                        => dev[at]


                          I have bought a wifi/gprs/sms printer. It is the same model Robert had bought but I got the model that also has wifi. If you still need help testing I would be happy to do that for you. It would great to get a solution to get this thing working.

                          Admin & Mod

                            for anybody reading this, please add your comments here



                            In reply to: Export Customers


                              Good guess! I will pass that on to him thank you. It might save me the hassle haha.

                              I personally get bombarded ALL the time, the SMS marketing has gone crazy in Australia.

                              Zia Khan


                                Is it possible to send SMS to the restaurant and to the customer when he places an order?



                                  How can we send SMS when order is placed online.


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