Additives numbering – first three skip one number (-1)

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Additives numbering – first three skip one number (-1)

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  • #27539

      Hi Olly,

      a strange thing is hapenning with my additives. I have 14 additives, all numbered through WPpizza>Additives menu from 1 to 14. But when I display them on a page using a shortcode [wppizza showadditives=”1″].

      The result is that first three additives skip a number (start with 0 instead of 1) and number three is missing:

      (0)Obilniny obsahujúce lepok (1)Kôrovce a výrobky z nich (2)Vajcia a výrobky z nich (4)Ryby a výrobky z nich (5)Arašidy a výrobky z nich (6)Sójové zrná a výrobky z nich (7)Mlieko a výrobky z neho (8)Orechy (9)Zeler a výrobky z neho (10)Horčica a výrobky z nej (11)Sezamové semená a výrobky z nich (12)Oxid siričitý a siričitany (13)Lupin and derivatives (14)Mäkkýše a výrobky z nich

      Can you check if there’s a bug please?




        BTW, I switched the shortcode to [wppizza showadditives=”1″ single=”X”], because [wppizza showadditives=”1″] was for some reason pulling in one of the food categories and displaying the food items where only additives should have been. But that’s a separate (non-burning) issue we can address later.

        Admin & Mod

          without seeing your additives setup i cannot really comment

          in any event:

          > [wppizza showadditives=”1″] was for some reason pulling in one of the food categories…

          which is the expected/correct behaviour

          [wppizza type=’additives’] shows the additives

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              btw, [wppizza showadditives=”1″ single=”X”] produces this result:


              expected result: (using [wppizza showadditives=”1″ single=”X”])


              last screenshot also shows the numbering issue.

              here’s the setup:



              Admin & Mod

                have you tried re-saving your additives ?

                Admin & Mod

                  secondly. i cannot see any additives called
                  “Orechy” (for example) in your additives. However i can see that in your WPMP string translation in a massive textblock where a whole widget body has this hardcoded…..

                  forget that, i was in the wrong language on your site (although i still do not understand those massive textblocks above,,,but thats irrelevant here i guess)

                  In any event thoough using your shortcodes *here* (works exactly as intended / expected) check your WPML translations i would suggest

                  referring to th eabove again, have you tried re-saving additives ?

                  Admin & Mod

                    > btw, [wppizza showadditives=”1″ single=”X”] produces this result:

                    not from what i can tell …
                    looks like this here when i look at it ….


                      Hi Olly,

                      sorry, I used the same shortcode in my original statement twice. The incorrect result is produced by shortcode [wppizza type=’additives’]:

                      and the correct result by shortcode [wppizza showadditives=”1″ single=”X”] This isn’t the recommended shortcode, it’s kind of a hack, that’s why I’m asking why.

                      With regards to: have you tried re-saving your additives ? – of course, no change. Strangely, if I swap the numbering (for example Fish and fish products change id from 4 to 1 and Wheat and gluten change from 1 to 4, save, then shift+f5 refresh the daily menu page: – it shows no change. I’m not using any caching plugin.)

                      Where do you see massive text blocks in WPML? I checked WPML string translation for wppizza, there’s no massive textblocks.


                        BTW, this forum isn’t sending any notifications – I checked my spam folder – nothing, does it work for you? I do have the “notify me of follow-up replies via email” box checked.


                          I do have the “notify me of follow-up replies via email” box checked.

                          Admin & Mod

                            >this forum isn’t sending any notifications
                            let me check. *I* do get them , but I updated the plugin that deals with this a few days ago, maybe it broke . will post here as to what i find

                            Admin & Mod

                              do you get notifications of this now ? (i’ll talk about the issue at hand in a sec)


                                got the last one (from 12:56pm), not the previous one (12:14pm)

                                Admin & Mod

                                  >”massive text blocks in WPML”
                                  do a search in your string translation (all of them ) for Orechy

                                  >With regards to: have you tried re-saving your additives ? – of course, no change
                                  just making sure, lol

                                  >This isn’t the recommended shortcode,
                                  agreed, but it’s certainly a creative way around your current issue

                                  have you tried – temporarily at least – to disable all other plugins to see if you get expected results when using type=additives shortcode ?

                                  Admin & Mod

                                    >got the last one (from 12:56pm), not the previous one (12:14pm)
                                    yeah, that’s because i just re-enabled something that seems to have been turned off for some reason at some point (not by me, but i guess the plugin update at some point in the past lost the setting )
                                    thanks for letting m know though

                                    anyway, that out of the way , lets carry on with the issue at hand

                                    Admin & Mod
                                      This reply has been marked as private.

                                        re duplicator – sure, go ahead – but read below first, you might not need to.

                                        re massive text blocks in WPML (search string Orechy) – Think we found the problem. Looks like WPML is creating a single string to translate out of the entire content of each site origin widget iteration of Daily Menu page or something like that. I checked the content for alergens and 0 for wheat and gluten – the incorrect output is there (WPML stores the old data for translation and serves it instead of actual data or it scrambles it somehow).

                                        Just search for <sup>(1) and you’ll see the culprits.

                                        Now do I continue troubleshooting here or talk to site origin and WPML compatibility or take it to WPML? 😀

                                        Gues WPML would be a start – why is it creating string translation entry for an entire page instead of the multilingual copies of the page.

                                        What do you think?

                                        Thanks for finding where to start!

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          my *guess* here would be that it’s not WPML as you have to tell string translation specifically what to translate. i would think the culprit is the theme somewhere (but cannot be sure)

                                          >Now do I continue troubleshooting here or talk to site origin and WPML compatibility or take it to WPML?

                                          kind of depends . first thing to do is probably deactivate WPML and switching to a default theme.
                                          if the issues goes away at least you will have narrowed it down.
                                          then use your theme again and check if it has come back. if its still ok, enable WPML (though as mentioned above, my guess would be it’s still the theme that causes this)

                                          if the issue is still the same after disabling WMPL and switching to a default theme (2016 or something) come back here i guess (or come back anyway and let me know what you find)

                                          Admin & Mod

                                            you could also just delete those string translations (called widget something or another i believe ) and see what happens i guess (perhaps want to make a backup first ….)

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