Cart price

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  • #11657

      Hello. I have a problem with the cart of Wp-Pizza. Can the price be automated updated when the quantity changes, without being necessary to click on the ok button to confirm the change? Thank you.

      Admin & Mod

        first of all, please do not post here AND email. we really only need a question once (and preferably just on the forum here for the benefit of all)

        that out of the way, i replied to your email anyway, but here it is again for others
        you’ll probably find that most people will just hit enter anyway.
        that said, let me think about it for a bit.
        it’s quite easy to do, but am not yet sure whether that’s actually such a good idea

        might be in the next update if i cannot think of a reason not to do it


          This wasn’t a proposal for the next upgrade of Wppizza, this was a question if you or somebody could tell me how to figure this, because i really need it. But i will comply with your diplomatic answer that i won’t get help. Thank you and sorry for the e-mail, i need an answer really quickly, that’s why the e-mail.

          Admin & Mod

            >But i will comply with your diplomatic answer that i won’t get help.
            not sure i understand that sentence really…

            anyway a simple jQuery :

            $(‘the button element’).trigger( “click” );

            should do the job


              Hello Olly. I would be interested me to this issue, i think is a helpful thing. More specifically, where the line of code to be added adn what should be called trigger and where to find that function??…Thanks

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