"Currently closed" sign on order page

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support "Currently closed" sign on order page

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  • #5162

      Hey Olly,

      recently “We are currently closed. But you can pre-order if you wish” appears on my order page regardless of the time. Please see: http://mipizzaaustin.com/our-menu/

      I have been trying to remove this sign on the order form but I can’t figure out how to do it. I even deleted the same language off of preorder –> Location. I have the correct opening times on WPPizza Opening Times.

      Any ideas on how to get that fixed? Thank, John

      Admin & Mod

        must admit, that looks a bit strange
        i’ll have a bit of a more indepth look tomorrow if you dont mind (its late here)

        one thing that puzzles me though: what exactly do you mean by “recently” ? what changed ? did it work fine before ?

        Admin & Mod

          ps: can you send me a sceenshot of your opening times please to dev[at]wp-pizza.com


            Hey Olly, by recently I mean the last few days this began to start appearing on the order page. I deleted it from the localization part of the “Preorder” setting. There is a WP page on the localization with text displayed. It’s gone now but this is what I deleted:

            Text to display before menu items if shop is currently closed

            We are currently closed. But you can pre-order if you wish

            <div style=”text-align: center; margin: 20px 0; color: red;”>We are currently closed. But you can pre-order if you wish</div>


              sending you a screen shot of opening times in just a second

              Admin & Mod

                simple issue is , that the pages are cached (i.e you “recently” turned on a caching plugin)
                the current preorder plugin doesn’t deal with that , but i’ll do something in an update that should address that too

                will take a few days, so in the meantime taking that text out as you did is probably a good idea (or you could disable your cache plugin of course as a temporary measure)

                Admin & Mod

                  v1.1.1 addresses this now by loading that text dynamically via ajax if using a cache plugin instead of inserting it onto the page
                  (note: “i am using a cache plugin” has to be checked in wppizza->settings)


                    Thanks Olly. This WPPizza plugin is making the customer a lot of money. It is working so well for him. This really is working well. You have done a great job. It is a real pleasure to work with you. If you ever have a customer ask for my opinion about how this is working, please give me the chance to vouch for WPPizza and you. Thank you, thank you so much. All the best…


                    Admin & Mod

                      good stuff

                      feel free to post a review though 🙂
                      i could do with some more (positive ones of course)


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