Custom Email Template

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  • #34457

      I have a question regarding the email templates

      In a previous version I could creae a file inside my them (wppizza-order-email-html.php) and override the template but somehow this is not working anymore in version 3.2.4 (updated wppizza from 2.xx to 3.2.4)

      I’d like to hav my logo inside the email header and some text below the total but with that drag’n’drop builder from the backend I can’t manage to do that. Or is there a possibility to create new fields for the email templates?

      Does anybody know how to do that?


      Admin & Mod

        I’ve already answered that directly to the email you sent (as you will know)
        but in case someone reads this and has the same question :

        you’d have to use css / background images (assuming your email type is set to html of course , otherwise adding images is not going to work anyway) in the css customisation of each template
        typically in
        Section Styles – Site Details -> Table
        where the default would normally be
        padding: 30px; text-align: center; background-color: #21759B; color: #FFFFFF;

        footer text :
        the footer text can be set in
        wppizza->localization -> Templates Other->Footer : text after summary / totals [html allowed – use linebreaks for newlines in plaintext output]

        i believe there might still be some legacy (v2.x) localization strings that are not even used any more in v3 and should be deleted from the plugin
        however, i need to take a little bit of time at some point and do this carefully so as not to delete the wrong stuff…
        (furthermore, some localization strings would no doubt benefit from being re-organized into their respective / appropriate sections … a “todo” on my behalf in a near future update)

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