Display content in email

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  • #10866

      Hey Olly,

      I use the wppizza-order-email-html.php to confirm the order. Now I would like to have the content to be displayed below each product in the email as well.

      How do i do this ? I assume I can’t just post “<?php the_content(); ?>” as there is no reference to this one product?

      Thanks in advance.

      /***allow filtering of items (sort, add categories and whatnot)****/
      $order_items = apply_filters('wppizza_emailhtml_filter_items', $order_items, 'htmlemail');
      foreach($order_items as $itemKey=>$item){
      /***allow action per item - probably to use in conjunction with filter above****/
      do_action('wppizza_emailhtml_item', $item, $htmlEmailStyle);
      /**added 2.10.2*/
      /**construct the markup display of this item**/
      $itemMarkup['trtd']			='<tr><td style="'.$htmlEmailStyle['mailPadding']['2x15'].'">';
      $itemMarkup['quantity']		=''.$item['quantity'].'x ';
      $itemMarkup['name']			=''.$item['name'].' ';
      $itemMarkup['size']			=''.$item['size'].' ';
      $itemMarkup['price']		='['.$currency_left.''.$item['price'].''.$currency_right.']';
      $itemMarkup['tdtd']			='</td><td>';
      $itemMarkup['price_total']	=''.$currency_left.''.$item['pricetotal'].''.$currency_right.'';
      $itemMarkup['tdtr']			='</td></tr>';
      $itemMarkup['additionalinfo']='<tr><td colspan="2" style="'.$htmlEmailStyle['mailPadding']['0x15x15x30'].';font-size:90%">'. $item['additional_info'].'</td></tr>';
      [added filter for customisation  v2.10.2]
      if you wish to customise the output, i would suggest you use the filter below in
      your functions.php instead of editing this file (or a copy thereof in your themes directory)
      $itemMarkup = apply_filters('wppizza_filter_htmlemail_item_markup', $itemMarkup, $item, $itemKey, $options['order']);
      /**output markup**/
      Admin & Mod

        >assume I can’t just post…
        you would be correct

        but you can use $item['postId'] to then get the content for that post id (or anything else you want to get for that id)

        Admin & Mod

          PS: BTW, i would suggest you also use the filter “wppizza_filter_htmlemail_item_markup” though instead of editing the template directly


            Olly I am always stoked about your quick replies. Respect 🙂

            I have added the filter to the functions.php file however not sure how to actually use it. I dont have an extra page or something to setup the email? (right?)

            Thanks again.



              Hey Olly, so far I have tried but failed to pull the content from the product. My coding isnt great at all.

              /***allow filtering of items (sort, add categories and whatnot)****/
              $order_items = apply_filters('wppizza_emailhtml_filter_items', $order_items, 'htmlemail');
              foreach($order_items as $itemKey=>$item){
              /***allow action per item - probably to use in conjunction with filter above****/
              do_action('wppizza_emailhtml_item', $item, $htmlEmailStyle);
              /**added 2.10.2*/
              /**construct the markup display of this item**/
              $itemMarkup['trtd']			='<tr><td style="'.$htmlEmailStyle['mailPadding']['2x15'].'">';
              $itemMarkup['quantity']		=''.$item['quantity'].'x ';
              $itemMarkup['name']			=''.$item['name'].' ';
              $itemMarkup['size']			=''.$item['size'].' ';
              $itemMarkup['price']		='['.$currency_left.''.$item['price'].''.$currency_right.']';
              $itemMarkup['tdtd']			='</td><td>';
              $itemMarkup['price_total']	=''.$currency_left.''.$item['pricetotal'].''.$currency_right.'';
              $itemMarkup['tdtr']			='</td></tr>';
              $itemMarkup['trtd']			='<tr><td>';
              $itemMarkup['postId']		=['postid'];
              $itemMarkup['tdtr']			='</td></tr>';
              $itemMarkup['additionalinfo']='<tr><td colspan="2" style="'.$htmlEmailStyle['mailPadding']['0x15x15x30'].';font-size:90%">'. $item['additional_info'].'</td></tr>';
              [added filter for customisation  v2.10.2]
              if you wish to customise the output, i would suggest you use the filter below in
              your functions.php instead of editing this file (or a copy thereof in your themes directory)
              $itemMarkup = apply_filters('wppizza_filter_htmlemail_item_markup', $itemMarkup, $item, $itemKey, $options['order']);
              /**output markup**/

                I changed back to the original code and found when ordering, this shows up above the email:
                % @%% @%% @%% @%

                It looks like its three symbols for each ordered product (in this case 4 products)

                The only thing that I changed is adding the filter.

                Admin & Mod

                  >I changed back to the original code …
                  never change/edit corefiles. your changes will get lost with the next update

                  >The only thing that I changed is adding the filter.

                  doesnt look like it to me. you are supposed to add a filter and function that goes with it in your themes functions.php, not editing what is in the plugin

                  Admin & Mod

                    also, what is this supposed to do ? $itemMarkup['postId']=['postid'];

                    Admin & Mod

                      anyway , you should do something along these lines (in your themes functions.php)

                      function my_extra_markup( $itemMarkup, $item, $itemKey, $options) {
                      /* get content of post */
                      $content=get_post( $item['postId']);
                      /* add content to markup */
                      $itemMarkup['content']='<tr><td colspan="2">'.$content->post_content.'</td></tr>';
                      return $itemMarkup;
                      add_filter('wppizza_filter_htmlemail_item_markup', 'my_extra_markup', 10, 4);	

                        What I did was copy paste the email .php to the theme folder so I could edit the layout.

                        I tried adding the filter and then make it show up through the php form but no succes. When i add this filter. What exactly do i put in the php ?

                        Admin & Mod

                          >What exactly do i put in the php ?

                          nothing (assuming you are talking ab out the template …..emails.php

                          you add and use the filter in your themes’ functions php as required


                            Hey Olli, I’ve added the filter to the functions.php, and put the original wppizza-order-email-html.php file back to make sure not to have any mistakes, but it doesnt display the content below each product, or anywhere.

                            Admin & Mod

                              i edited the example code a little bit.
                              try that


                                Absolutely great!! works perfect !

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