Empty categories now showing (weren't in v2.x)

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Empty categories now showing (weren't in v2.x)

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  • #32439
    Admin & Mod

      ok i know why and how to fix it. just cannot know how you managed to do it. in a nutshell

      – problem: your category count for wppizza categories is wrong (it shows 1 or more when there are no items assigned to it in places )

      – cause: how that happened i cannot know as we cannot go back in time to find out what was clicked when and where which resulted in the category count to be messed up. this might have been by something in WPML, in WPPizza, in something completely different or a combination of things. i really have no idea

      – fix (from what i can ascertain doing this on my local copy of your site): you already have a plugin installed called “Fix Category Count” (which makes me believe you had this or a related issue before perhaps ?) this plugin however has a coding bug which can easily be fixed. in inc/fix_category_count_admin_view.php on approx line 46 you will find
      <? } ?> replace/amend so it reads <?php } ?> .
      once you have done that , go to “fix now” for that plugin from the plugin page, select “wppizza” in the subsequent page and then click on “fix categories now” .
      doing this here as described above makes it all behave as it should again……
      let me know what the outcome is on your install (should be safe to do, but making a backup before is never a bad idea)


        Hi Olly,

        Fix Category Count plugin was installed yesterday, when I was trying to fix it. The issue was there before. But yes, the plugin wasn’t working, I just forgot to deactivate it (luckily it seems).

        fixed it as you describe (awesome troubleshooting skills man!), ran the fix and there’s only 1 (real, active) item under main dish category, so it should be fine.

        Great job, thanks for your support. Do you have a paypal or cryptocurrency wallet perhaps? I’m not a paying customer, but this deserves a reward 🙂

        Thanks a lot

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