error when browsing

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  • #9562

      If the error displayed in console and not a popup say in the order history screen – would the order history screen still continue to poll for orders (obviously not the time it made an error but any polls thereafter?)

      I don’t blame you AS SUCH it is more just order polling in general I don’t think it can be 100% perfect all the time and if you pay for a mega great big perfect host then it outweighs the benefit of having wppizza and just pay a 3rd party company to make your website. But from my understanding from talking to Ibrar the guy who created my old website the way his software polled for orders (similar to your order history screen) he set a timer of 15 second intervals and if one poll failed – it would just carry on to 30 seconds and if that failed it would carry onto 45 seconds and so on. Once it reached 2 minutes it would make a siren noise (any noise whatever .wav file you set) that would alert us (the takeaway/restaurant/client whoever) that the software is not polling. Therefore you would check the website to make sure it is not down etc or contact the host. Problem is the host is not down that often however it may fail multiple polls daily (my old website used to poll to 30 seconds constantly but rarely more).

      But if you can do something similar where it goes to console but continues to poll that would be great although some sort of notification would be nice. I am looking into this further there maybe some order polling software out there (FoodOrderDIYClient).


        If you could implement this then it would be great as the websites in question would continue to work and orders would continue to poll. I would also be able to sell my websites on because I don’t want to make any websites for anyone else just in case I get this error.

        Admin & Mod

          ok, so we are hijacking someone elses topic, but it kind of relates (up to a point)

          apologies @iazomuk, but it might also help (though not solve) your – entirely different i believe – issue (still might want to investigate the debug option above and also update the plugin to start off with !)


          re) >If the error displayed in console..(polling or otherwise)

          depends. if the error is caused from another script, it might not (but then again, there’s nothing i could do there anyway)
          (in fact i will still have to think this through if it’s actually a good idea after all and do a bunch of tests – maybe i only do this in selected places)

          re) the guy who created my old website…
          whatever your previous thing was is not my concern as that is/was clearly a customisation for a very specific case that has no place in the wppizza plugin

          re) pay for a mega great big perfect host… | …3rd party company to make your website…

          apples != oranges

          re) I would also be able to sell my websites ….
          not my concern either


            just like to say changing hosting it will not solve this issue. i have tried 3 hosting company not solved the issue. my developer 14 years experience background in coding php, wp he can not find a fix for this error. must say if you go easy on the website don’t fly away then you wont get the error. when you increase your speed you will get error. very confused no1 knows the solution. we have already tried not worked. this error was coming up before even started designing the site. its not big deal for me my client is not complaining.


              When I got the errors intially when browsing it was when I changed pages quickly (as if I didn’t allow something to fully load) although I don’t get these anymore when browsing my website.

              Admin & Mod

                > must say if you go easy on the website don’t fly away then you wont get the error

                i’m reasonably (can never be 100% sure though) certain it’s a speed/ajax issue.
                do me a favour. (assuming you have – still – turned on debug)

                in wppizza/ajax/get-json.php you will find – on line 2


                (this is deliberate for reasons that take too long to explain here for the moment)

                comment this out – temporarily – to read


                try and reproduce the error and check the debug.log (which might give us a hint)
                it should – also – not only say “error:” in the popup/alert, but perhaps also some more info there

                after that reverse that change again (and of course let me know what you find)

                Admin & Mod

                  >as if I didn’t allow something to fully load

                  that would do it (hence i want to change the alert to a console.log in selected places. just want to narrow it down to which ones as i DO want to throw some distinct errors to make pople fix things that need fixing…one step at a time

                  Admin & Mod

                    @ both of you

                    try (polling will only fail with alert after 5 fails plus some other tweaks which should also eliminate any js error alerts when moving around very quickly – as mentioned )

                    .. in theory anyway ….


                      Thanks Olly I will test it tonight when I get in. Just to confirm however will it fail on 5 consecutive failed polls or 5 total failed polls? And also what would be the alert a sound alert or just a silent popup as before?

                      Admin & Mod

                        a) on 5 consecutive failed polls .

                        b) as before (if you get 5 consecutive failed polls, there is something else severely wrong one would suspect which really needs to be investigated – though polling set at every second is probably never a good idea in any event)


                          That’s fine – only time I would get 5 consecutive failed polls is when the server is down I never get 2 together.


                            Hi Olly just like to recap you want me to ask my developer to make following changes

                            in wppizza/ajax/get-json.php you will find – on line 2
                            change this to //error_reporting(0);

                            this will fix the error i guess. pls confirm.

                            Admin & Mod

                              >you want me to ask my developer…

                              no , not anymore.
                              just update the plugin to the latest version and see if the issue persists (which hopefully it won’t)


                                Olly the new changes seem to have fixed my problems (touch wood). I have been monitoring the console and it did a Bad Request 503 but continued to poll thereafter. I will keep using it obviously with the console open for the next couple of weeks just to confirm properly.


                                  Hi Olly how do i update my wp to i do not see any option in admin wp setting to update latest version. please help.

                                  Admin & Mod

                                    >it did a Bad Request 503..

                                    probably something you want to look into at some point (it’s a server problem, nothing to do with the plugin)


                                    >i do not see any option in admin wp setting to update …
                                    you just update it from your plugins page (as always….)


                                      Even me out the error popup ,
                                      and I have everything updated


                                      Admin & Mod


                                        link please…
                                        also, the next time, please start a new / your own topic


                                          I put the link of a video in my previous post .

                                          The link is the shop


                                          Admin & Mod

                                            i get literally 1000’s of emails and support requests a month.
                                            please don’t ask me to look/search through all of them to find YOUR previous post

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