Filter spam trough Akismet

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  • #8935

      I think that Akismet is the world best invisible spam filter in the world, why not add the option of a “free” invisible spam filter?
      Here a similar example of anotehr wordpress plugin that is integrating askimet option in the code:

      Admin & Mod

        it’s also pretty pointless/superfluous to do….
        i do not believe you really understand how (at least most) spambots work

        Admin & Mod

          of course, if you want to integrate it anyway, i am not stopping you

          Admin & Mod

            just to expand on the above:
            (most – although not necessarily all admittedly) spambots do not do javascript.
            Therefore, as they will not be able to put anything into the cart, the/your orderpage will not have any input fields to enter any information (email etc) into, nor will there actually be a button to submit any info or indeed register any account.

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