Full days & time problem

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  • #66575

      After the problems we had with the date after 28feb there is still another problem. My customer works with full days to order (no timeslots) and the shop closes at 17h45. The client must choose at least as date the first next day that is available which the shop is open. So after 17u45 it should no longer be possible for the next day to place an order. Before 29 feb this all was working fine.
      I’ve been playing arround with some time/date settings but nothing works. Now as a workarround we have to manually set that the shop is closed the next day. We now need to do this everyday. This is causing a lot of stress.

      Can you please have a look into this?

      Admin & Mod

        can i see your (non-working) preorder settings , together with a screenshot of your openingtimes plaese.
        Could you also check – temporarily of course – if this issue still exists if your site language is set to english



          Hello Olly,
          It doesn’t matter which language is set. I tried Dutch, English, …
          It stays the same.
          I’ll set you up a copy of the site, this way you can do all the testing you want.

          Admin & Mod

            ok, at least its not language related (one less thing to worry about)

            Admin & Mod
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                Admin & Mod

                  hmm, trying things here with your copy, it works just as I expect so I must be missing something….

                  e.g. on your test site, currently being Sunday morning 3rd March when you are closed until 8 , I cannot order anything until Wednesday (6th March – as of course you are closed Mon and Tue)…

                  So what do I need to do to see what you are describing (and please be specific as to what outcome you would be expecting when doing things) ?


                    This is the case it doesn’t work. We use “full days” as time interval and the minimum days to order in advance is set to 1
                    You can’t place an order for today, only for the next day the shop is open. When I place an order for the next day it was not possible to place an order after the set time the store closes (on the site you will see that te physical hours the shop is open is different then these set in the online store, so don’t mind that difference. The online store closes before the physical shop).
                    I changed the time that te shop is open on Monday: from closed to open from 7h until 11h AM. This means that after 11h on Sunday I can’t place any orders for Monday anymore. This is how it used (and should) work. But when we try this now we can still place an order on Sunday arround 12h AM (and later) for pickup on Monday.
                    So if you want to test this you can use the provided testsite online. If you need to simulate this offline, just change the openingtimes and you will see that you can still place orders less then 24h in advance.
                    My feeling is that the system is ignoring the “minimum days in advance” setting or that it ignores the closing time that is set in the “openingtimes”.

                    Admin & Mod

                      ok, gotcha.
                      I’ll dig around a bit

                      Admin & Mod

                        I belive 3.10.1 fixes this now (also addresses the 3-letter month date format settings issue for some languages in some months)

                        Obviously, if you have issues, let me know


                          I was only able to test this on just now.
                          It still doesn’t work ok the test-site with the latest version. I set the closing time to 16h for tomorrow (it is now 17:35) and I still can place orders for tomorrow even when you have to order 24h in advance. So before it was not possible to place an order today after 16h for the next day.
                          Can you have another look into this please?

                          Admin & Mod

                            >Can you have another look into this please?

                            worked here fine, but I’ll copy your opening times and see if i can reproduce it (it’s a somewhat complicated beast as it clearly relies on whatever the current time / date is …that’s my excuse anyway )

                            Admin & Mod

                              actually, seems to work just fine (on your test site anyway)
                              you are still open for today (at 17:35) so one day in advance, you can order for tomorrow (its a “day” in advane, i.e it being the next working day, not 24 hours from now. ) .

                              now being 18:10 (you test site closes at 18:00 today) you will not be able to order for tomorrow. as intended

                              Admin & Mod

                                PS: you could use the “old” calculation of this by adding define('WPPIZZA_DBP_DOWNGRADE', true); to your wp-config.php
                                but that might (probably will) get removed entirely at same point (it also does not account for any holidays set as those did not exist at the time)

                                That said, fell free to make an argument and convince me why “days in advance” should be based on strict 24 hour interval and not actually like

                                1 == tomorrow (though that day may be closed of course, but irrelevant for this),
                                2 == day after tomorrow

                                and I’m happy to look at this again



                                  It seems to be working now. Will keep an eye on it for the next few days.
                                  I think it was caused by some caching issue…

                                  Thx again for the great work.



                                    With the latest updates the problem is again there. It’s not possible on a thursday to select the friday as date to pickup the order.

                                    Kind regards,


                                    Admin & Mod

                                      sorry, but the latest update (i assume we are talking about 3.10.1 => 3.11) did absolutely nothing there.
                                      It only adressed the issue of the orderhistory “falling over” on pages 2++

                                      If you have an issue still , it should / would have been there at 3.10.1 too (?!)

                                      > It’s not possible on a thursday to select the friday as date to pickup the order.
                                      depends on the time and openingtime settings
                                      if it’s after closing on thursday (or if you are closed on thursday / holidays or some such) you cannot order for friday (that was the whole point of the initial update we were talking about here), but of course I may always be misreading thinsg perhaps ?!


                                        The closing time on friday is set to 17h45. Last order is set to 30min before closure.
                                        We work with whole days.
                                        Thursday 16h33 it was not possible to place an order for friday.

                                        >if it’s after closing on thursday (or if you are closed on thursday / holidays or some such) you cannot order for friday (that was the whole point of the initial update we were talking about here), but of course I may always be misreading thinsg perhaps ?!
                                        -> before it was possible to place an order on thursday to pickup on friday. And on thursday the shop is always closed.
                                        That’s why we use “Minimum days in advance: 1”, this way it was possible to place an order on a day the shop is closed for the next day. In this case shop is closed on Thursday and open on Friday but you can order on Thursday for pickup at Friday.
                                        It worked before as a 24h period that was gliding. So on Thursday you could place an order for Friday until the closing time was reached. For example shop is closed on Thursday and is open on Friday until 17h. It was possible to place on order on Thursday and select Friday as pickup day until 17h on Thursday. At 17h01 on Thursday it was no longer possible to select Friday, so the next available day was Saturday.
                                        With the recent changes today it was not possible to select the next day for pickup.

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          if you are closed on thursday you cannot order for friday.
                                          if current time (on a thursday) is *after closing time* on this thursday, you cannot order for friday

                                          1 day in advance is one (business)day in advance

                                          Point being: if you are closed on thursday – or after closing on thursday (depending on opening times set ) – you would not know anything about any orders , so you would come to the shop on friday and getting hit with orders to be fulfilled for that friday even though you set minimum days in advance to 1.

                                          As you are saying one day in advance, the next day for orders to be accepted would be saturday .

                                          if you were able to make an order – in an older version of the plugin – for friday on a thursday after closing, then that was a bug in the plugin.
                                          (As mentioned, as far as I am aware this is exactly what 3.10.1 was supposed to be addressing )



                                            That’s very sad to hear this now. Then the whole preorder plugin is useless for us.
                                            Or is there a way to adjust this?
                                            We should be able to place an order on everyday of the week but, regardless if shop is open or not, but only be able to select the days the shop is open for pickup, even if it’s tomorrow.
                                            To me it seems that the preorder isn’t working correctly then. You place a preorder for a date and time the shop is open, if the day you actually fill in (=place the order) the preorder the shop is closed shouldn’t have any impact on the fact if you place an order or not.
                                            With the current situation: if your shop is only open 3 days (friday, saturday and sunday) a week it’s not possible to place/register an order on the other 4 days the shop is closed. So on Tuesday you can’t order anything for Friday? That’s how it works now? This way we loose orders…
                                            This means also that if you want to place an order for next Friday you can only do this on saturday or sunday when working with full days?
                                            So to us how it was working before, was the correct way. It’s a bakery. Bread, … gets baked overnight… special orders are made overnight.

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