Grouping ingredients in cart, order page and email

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Extensions Add Ingredients Support Grouping ingredients in cart, order page and email

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  • #10439
    Ronit Epstein

      Loving the plugin so far but have a small problem. The ingredients added from different custom groups all group together without labels in the cart, order page, and email, so it’s impossible to tell which came from which group. It makes it difficult for us to fulfill the order and to discern what the customer ordered.

      For example:
      We are using this for a salad restaurant, so I set up a custom ingredients group for sauces and another for seeds. We have a sesame sauce AND sesame seeds that can be added to the salad. Ideally, I need it to show up in the order form like so:

      + Sauce: honey mustard, sesame
      + Seeds: sesame, chia

      Instead, what I get right now looks like this:
      + chia, sesame, sesame, honey mustard

      As you can see, if a person were to order ONLY sesame seeds, it’s impossible for us to know if he meant to order sesame seeds or sesame sauce. If they also order numerous ingredients, we currently have to jump around the kitchen fetching things since the ingredients aren’t organized by label but rather, alphabetically, which complicates the order process. If it was organized like in my first example, it would make for a productive and organized system.

      How do I customize it so that the ingredients are separated by groups IN the cart, order page and especially in the email?


      Admin & Mod
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