help with creating add-on for holidays opening hours

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support help with creating add-on for holidays opening hours

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  • #5738

      i need your help with creating simple addon to show opening hours for holidays.
      first way it can be done by allow selctec date range (from date to date) and then select open time hourse. then it will printed after the defult open hourse. if we can add text filed to write the holiday name and then show the name before open hourse it will be great.

      second is create static(one time) list for all holidays and then show checkbox near the holiday name. when the holiday come i can check the box, select the open time and the in will print after or before default open time:

      holiday name:
      opening time:

      many restorans working on holidays so it could be where useful to many restaurants to show when the open in holidays.

      this option i want to show in wppizza-opening-times page


      Admin & Mod

        sorry, but this really is your customisation/programming

        you can of course already set opening times for specific date that override the others under

        “Any dates/days where opening times differ from the standard times above (such as christmas etc).”

        but if you want to display holiday names etc etc , that’s really your baby

        there are a bunch of codesnippets though you could have a look at here

        and in your case, the following would probably/possibly be a good starting point

        Admin & Mod

          >many restorans working on holidays so it could be where useful to many restaurants to show when the open in holidays

          i would have thought just typing it in somewhere would do the job just fine

          (not sure why you want to make things unnecessarily complicated, but maybe i’m missing things)


            Thanks for the links.
            the problem with the holidays functionality is that you need to select day by day and not date range from to.

            many holidays can be couple days and others couple weeks. so the best here would be date range.

            about you can of course already set opening times for specific date that override the others under i did not see this working so i will check this. if this option change the opening hours in the <?php echo do_shortcode('[wppizza type="openingtimes"]'); ?> it will save me lots of work.

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