Import & Export WP-Pizza Settings

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Import & Export WP-Pizza Settings

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  • #16043

      Dear Olly,
      How can i Export and Import (Without SQL wp-Options in PHPmyAdmin) my all Serting and Post Code, Ingridents, WP-Pizza Posts, Categories.

      Or Backup and Restore Wp-Pizza

      Admin & Mod

        short answer , you can’t (most definitely not if you do not want to copy any options set in the wp-options table)

        long answer: wppizza menu items and categories are “normal” WP post types and taxonomies. if you export those (tools -> export) and re-import them elsewhere, their id’s will change.
        As – especially the ingredients plugin – ties its settings to those id’s it will all break as they will be different.
        Furthermore, the sizes, additives and a bunch of other things are also stored in the wp-options table, so importing wppizza menu items / categories , will also result in your menu items not having any sizes (and therefore prices) if the options set are not copied/moved with it

        Thirdly, the plugin access rights are set via WP roles so – again – if you do not copy/clone the options table , you will probably mess those up too

        essentially, if you want to move things elsewhere, you should clone your install (plenty of plugins for that on At the moment, that is the only reliable way. Sorry

        Sure , one day I will investigate as to how it might be possible to export/import, but due to the above mentioned issues, this is not trivial by any means and i cannot give you any ETA as to when this will be possible / available


          Thank you,
          Its beter if your Plugin have a separat SQL Table.
          I have problem with my last Site ( problem is in setting Plugin-ingeredients. i must delete my all WP SQL to set again, wp-plzza is in WP-Option and can not delete onyl wp-pizza table.

          i must reinstall again WP site, i can restore my post from wp-post and Postmeta but setting from Postcode and wp-pizza must adding again.

          I will pay today paypal payment extention. i hope it worked fine.

          Admin & Mod

            >Its beter if your Plugin have a separat SQL Table….

            no, it is not


              How can i create separat Table for WP-Pizza?

              Admin & Mod

                you dont. (unless you do not want anything to work)

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