Ingredients extension pop-up

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  • #24182

      The pop-up displays ingredients in 2-up format (2 per row). This causes wrap-around issues on a small mobile screen (almost unreadable). Is there a way to change the display to have only one ingredient per row?

      Admin & Mod

        >2 per row
        that’s not strictly true.
        by default, it shows 3 per row and for small screen devices – up to 400px – 2 per row
        it will always depend on your ingredients (i.e the names and name lengths) whether this is adequate for your particular scenario. if it is not (as seems to be the case in your situation) you probably want to add some more css / media query for smaller things. example (for up to 250 lets say, one per row)

        @media screen and (max-width: 250px){ 
        .wppizza-ingredients ul>li{width:99% !important;}

        or similar

        see also


          This worked (1 line per row on a phone) when I did it this morning, and now when I check it it’s back to 2 items per row, and I didn’t change a thing!

          Getting frustrated….

          Admin & Mod

            >and I didn’t change a thing!
            i most certainly did not either …..


              Very disappointing for a premium (i.e. not free) product – complete lack of documentation and sketchy support, and then an answer like the one above.

              Admin & Mod

                >and then an answer like the one above

                you did not ask a question …..

                if it worked “in the morning” and then did not work anymore (and the plugin has – clearly – not changed ) then how could it possibly be the plugins fault or problem

                moreover, i gave you a quite detailed css declaration (and a link to how to customise the css)

                i have no idea what more it is you are expecting (not even mentioning I can only guess anyway as you did not even supply a link to start off with …)


                  My apologies – under pressure to get this site live this week… I implemented your code as stated. Could you please check on a phone? Scroll down to “Build your own pizza” and click on any size, then “Everywhere”. It still shows 2 to a row. Thanks.

                  Admin & Mod

                    ok, no worries.
                    am in the middle of something, but give me an hour or so and i’ll see what i can find.
                    will get back to you here

                    Admin & Mod

                      actually , having just a quick glance , you are not using the popup option from what i can see ???


                        Apreciate it, thanks.


                          No, but I’ll try it…stand by.


                            I changed it to pop-up, but no difference. I’ll give you a chance to look at it when you have time, thanks!


                              Just FYI – I added your code to the end of both wppizza-addingredients.min.css and wppizza-addingredients.source.css in the CSS folder for the plugin.

                              Admin & Mod

                                my *guess* is you added/created that custom css in the morning and subsequently updated the theme (which will overwrite your changes, hence child-themes are a better idea for exactly that reason)

                                it doesnt matter though. from what i can see your theme provides a place somewhere to add custom css anyway, so i would suggest you just add it there

                                i.e add

                                @media screen and (max-width: 320px)
                                .wppizza-ingredients ul>li {
                                width: 99%!important;

                                (you might have to play with the max-width: 320px – perhaps make it ‘max-width: 350px’ or indeed ‘max-width: 400px’)

                                max-width: 320px is just educated guess here….

                                Admin & Mod

                                  >Just FYI – I added your code to the end of both wppizza-addingredients.min.css and wppizza-addingredients.source.css in the CSS folder for the plugin.

                                  that would be overwritten if you ever update the plugin btw….
                                  hence the

                                  but if you use your theme custom css option as mentioned above, just ignore this


                                    Olly, I returned your CSS files to their original state and put your new code in the special CSS sectin for my theme. I played with several screen widths and still have the problem. I’m perplexed! 🙂

                                    Admin & Mod

                                      >your new code in the special CSS sectin for my theme

                                      why can i not see that code in the source of your page though ?
                                      i would expect to see this here
                                      (or in fact in every page)


                                        When you do view-source: do a CTRL-F and search for the term “ingredient”. You should get 19 hits, you will find it in #17.

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          ok, wasnt there before (not when i looked anyway)

                                          either way, that declaration is wrong , you have a bunch of syntax errors in that custom css so that declaration never gets read…..


                                            You’re right, it was missing a couple of curly brackets. I had copy/pasted what you posted in #27207. I added them in and same problem. Do you see other syntax issues?

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