Issue with Twint Payments – NotifyURL Implementation

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Issue with Twint Payments – NotifyURL Implementation

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  • #70077

      Dear Olly,

      I am using the WPPizza Gateway with Saferpay.
      Twint is a payment method similar to Mastercard, Visa, or PayPal within Saferpay.

      Occasionally, customers pay with Twint, the order is marked as completed, but the pizza business does not receive an order confirmation email. In the Saferpay journal, the Twint payment appears as “Authorization (Charge).”

      Customers then call the pizza business, asking about their delivery because they have not received it. However, the business has not received any order confirmation email. When checking the Saferpay journal, the amount is marked as failed and still open (as shown in the screenshotas shown in the screenshot).

      However, the transaction can be processed manually, and the amount is then marked as completed.

      I contacted Saferpay Support.
      Their response was as follows:

      “Dear Umut,
      During our analysis of the logs, we noticed that your shop is not using a NotifyURL. We strongly recommend implementing the NotifyURL.
      Unlike the SuccessLink, the NotifyURL is triggered through a server-to-server call, while the redirect to the SuccessLink is executed via the end customer’s browser. If the customer closes their browser at the wrong moment (or if their device fails, the internet connection drops, or a similar issue occurs—as happened in both cases here), your system will NOT be informed about the success of a payment transaction with the current settings.
      To ensure proper notification of a successful payment, we explicitly recommend using the NotifyURL. You can find more details in the
      Best regards,
      Saferpay Support”

      My question:
      As described by the support team, how can I implement a NotifyURL?
      Would you be able to program this in the plugin, or is there something I need to do?

      Thank you for your valuable support!

      Best regards,

      Admin & Mod

        Just to say I’m not ignoring you and am in the process of implementing the NotifyURL stuff here.
        Need to do some more testing though. Hopefully available later today or tomorrow, depending on how it goes.

        Although the NotifyURL is certainly a good idea to avoid above scenario (and I’m a bit puzzled why I did not implement this to start off with to be honest, but may be down to the state of things at the time….who knows), the customer will never have received an order confirmation from the shop (he was not charged either) and I cannot see how the order would have been marked as “complete” . Furthermore “authorised” does not mean “failed” so I do not understand what you are referring to in your post.
        Of course I understand the issue and the above is all academic really, as it will be addressed with this next update in any case.
        Thank for pointing it out .


          Thank you so much, Olly!
          You are amazing!

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