Paypal orders: Delivery Address missing

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Gateways Paypal Standard Paypal orders: Delivery Address missing

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  • #53706

      Hi Olly again,
      we are experiencing a similar problem as described in
      When orders are Paid via Paypal, we loose the delivery address.

      Out setting:
      WPPizza Version 3.12.19
      + WPPizza PayPal-Gateway
      + WPPizza Delivery By Postcode Version 4.0.31 (we also tested it with 4.0.33 but same results)
      In “WPPizza Delivery By Postcode” we have checked “use google maps” and “delivery charge calculation by distance”.

      So the problem is that the order form fields generated by the Google-Maps-Section are lost after paypal-checkout.

      We have disabled the paypal Gateway but we can provide access to a test installation.

      Best Regards,

      Admin & Mod

        first of all: a link please. without it i cannot comment really

        Admin & Mod

          PS: where exactly are you missing the delivery details ? in your emails / order notifications ?


            Hi Olly, We are missing the delivery details in both – emails and order history in the backend. I will send you the link to our test-domain in a separate (private) message.

              This reply has been marked as private.

                This is how the order looks like in the backend (successfully paid via paypal). The delivery address is missing:

                6YJ650584J278243H | 1. Feb 2021 10:25
                Name : XXXXXXXXXX
                Email : [email protected]
                Telefonnummer : 017x-xxxxxxxx
                Bemerkungen : Test-Bestellung mit Paypal – NICHT AUSLIEFERN!
                Menge Artikel ————————————————– Preis
                2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx € 13,00

                Ihre Artikel € 13,00
                Steuern gesamt € 0,85
                Gesamt € 13,00


                  Okay, I didn’t hear from you and we are going to open the shop again so we have to deactivate the paypal-gateway again. Maybe we can talk next monday (weekly day of rest).

                  Admin & Mod

                    hmm, very strange
                    i did actually respond yesterday , but maybe i made a mistake and did not post it after all or something else went wrong there as it – obviously – doesn’t show up here ….

                    Anyway, the question(s) I need to ask you is this:
                    do you have “Apply above position to all print/email templates.” *enabled* in

                    if not, do you have the post/zipcode field enabled in your emails (templates) to the admin ?


                      Hmm, very strange – fields are disappearing everywhere 🙂

                      Yes, I have enabled this field:

                      Display Location on Orderform:  [before "Telefonnummer :" formfield]
                      [x] Apply above position to all print/email templates. Disable to set position/display on a per email/print template basis
                      Admin & Mod

                        just did a quick test on your site (COD as you seemingly have Paypal disabled currently) and that seems fine.
                        so do you experience this issue only with paypal ?
                        also – as it’s disabled – what integration have you chosen for paypal? is it the “normal” redirect ?


                          Hi Olly, our settings are as follows (I assume this is normal redirect):

                          Sandbox? (N) 
                          Paypal Checkout? (N)
                          Enable Refunds? (N)

                          We experienced this problem when Paypal-Gateway was activated and Paypal choosen as payment method. But we didn’t test if the problem also occurs with Paypal-Gateway activated and “Cash on delivery” as payment method. Would this be of interest?

                          Admin & Mod

                            >Would this be of interest?
                            yes it would (i suspect this will work just fine if you do that , but certainly worth double checking)

                            i’ll also see if i can also perhaps somehow reproduce what you are experiencing here first of all. maybe some race condition . will get back to you when i can say something


                              Hi Olly, now I was able to test both payment methods (cash & paypal) with the Paypal-Gateway activated.

                              Cash: everything works fine
                              Paypal: delivery address is missing in mails and backend, but it can be seen in the customers success-page after beeing redirected from paypal to our domain.

                                This reply has been marked as private.
                                Admin & Mod

                                  does the following work please ?

                                  UN-check/DIS-able “Apply above position to all print/email templates. Disable to set position/display ….etc ” in the plugin options setting.
                                  then go to wppizza -> templates (emails and print) and enable the post/zipcode fields there instead


                                    Thanks for the reply. I can check this on monday.
                                    But as far as I understand, the zipcode field within “order forms” has nothing to do with the address-field that is used by the Google-Maps-Option of ” Delivery By Postcode”.
                                    In other words: I can’t see a field in the templates-section that corresponds to the field we use for the delivery address in the frontend:
                                    [maps] - label address input

                                    Admin & Mod

                                      let me check something here. will get back to you

                                      Admin & Mod

                                        maybe there’s the issue . (just trying to narrow things down)

                                        are you saying when you go to wppizza->templates -> email (or print, doesnt matter which)
                                        and expand the details in the templates to see all the fields, you do not see an – additional – field in the “Customer Details” section that refers to that address from the post/zipcode plugin ?


                                          Hi Olly,
                                          today, I can see the additional field in the customer details. I am quite sure that it wasn’t there yesterday. Strange.
                                          However – even if i check this field as described above, the field is missing in email and print order templates.

                                          Admin & Mod
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