Remove ingredients / small changes

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Remove ingredients / small changes

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      I have set up a sandbox on and we are trying to find a good solution for our customer so that his customers can remove ingredients. For the sample product “CALABRESE SCHARF” we have defined ingredients, which you can remove below “Gericht bitte ohne:”. After you have de-selected “Paprika”, you will see that there is written

      “1x Salami, No Paprika”

      With regards to this, I have two questions:

      1.) Can we remove “1x Salami”, because the customer will always think that this will be additional Salami. So he would add extra Salami to the pizza. Is there a way to remove 1x Salami and only show it when the end-customer has added extra Salami? How can we achieve this?
      2.) Can we rename “No” to the German translation “Keine” and how can we do this? Is there a PHP file we need to edit?

      Thank you for your help!

      Admin & Mod

        there is no php file to edit here
        have you looked in the options tab of the plugin ?


          Yes but I did not see any corresponding options to

          1.) remove this item from cart that is not extra

          2.) rename the “No”

          If there is such possibility, I will be very happy to hear it from you.

          Thank you so much!

          Admin & Mod

            the add ingredients plugin has several tabs at the top , one of them is labelled “options” …
            that’s where you can find it ( alongside other options)..


              Thank you so much!

              Ok, I found out how I can edit teh prefix (prefix for pre-selected ingredients that were de-selected such as “NO” or “0x” for example so it would read “No Onions” or “0x Onions”).

              But I have one question still: As I mentioned before, I defined the ingredients “Salami” and “Paprika” for “Pizza Calabrese Scharf”. When I choose this pizza, de-select “Paprika” and then put it into my cart, I see that this is displayed like this:

              “1 Calabrese scharf 10.20
              1x Salami, Ohne Paprika”

              How can I get rid of the “1x Salami” and only show “extra Salami” once the customer has put extra salami into his cart? I didn’t find a corresponding setting.

              Thanks for your help!

              Admin & Mod

                ” Add prefix for not pre-selected but additionally added ingredients by customer”
                ” do not show “1x” count in cart, order and users account history if an ingredient has only been added 1 time (multiple selections will always have their count displayed)”



                  Hi and thank you!

                  I have checked both options, but when I choose “Pizza Calabrese Scharf”, de-select “Paprika” and put it into the cart, it is displayed like this:

                  “1 Calabrese scharf 10.20
                  Salami, Ohne Paprika”

                  I got rid of the 1x, but I also don’t want to display “Salami” if it is not extra.

                  Furthermore, when I choose “Pizza Calabrese Scharf”, de-select “Paprika”, add extra Salami and put it into the cart, it is displayed like this:

                  “1 Calabrese scharf 12.00
                  2x Salami, Ohne Paprika”

                  Obviously this doesn’t make any sense to the one who is preparing the pizza. Even though I selected the option “Add prefix for not pre-selected but additionally added ingredients by customer” and put “extra” as the prefix, this setting seems to be ignored.

                  Thank you for your help.

                  Admin & Mod

                    “extra” will only be added to any “extra” ingredients (i.e ingredients that are not already pre-selected / standard)
                    if you don’t want to display something you cannot make it selectable
                    i.e you cannot have something set as preselected but then not display it if it is selected (pre or not preselected).

                    i would suggest to you that you either do not have preselected ingredients for something that has things as a standard
                    (along the lines of: if it’s a hawaii pizza it will always have pineapple. if you dont want pineapple , order another pizza)

                    and/or you offer the additional option of “No Pineapple” as a topping (but not preselected of course)

                    you are trying to not show something even if it’s there. that won’t work

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