sort and display ingredients by order set in cart and order page

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support Add-Ons Extensions Add Ingredients Support sort and display ingredients by order set in cart and order page

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  • #26668

      I’ve just bought the “Add ingredients” extension. it works great, it is flexible and very powerful. before installing it on the operational site, I am running some tests on a localhost copy (WP4.5.2; wppizza.; wppizza-add-ingredients-5.0.2).

      I have a small issue: I defined ingredients, meal sizes and custom groups for the customer to be able chose a configurable menu.


      I have setup ingrediens/options sort “by order set”. in the emails, thankyou page and backend the order of the ingredients chosen is ok.


      But the cart and order page still shows the ingredients in alphabetical order, instead of “by order set” which is a bit confusing for the customer when reviewing his order, before finalizing it.



      Is it possible to have the same logical order of ingredients also in cart and on order page?

      Admin & Mod

        >I have setup ingrediens/options sort “by order set”….
        >But the cart and order page still shows the ingredients in alphabetical order…

        My *guess* is you misunderstand what the “order set” refers to
        it’s the sortorder YOU set in the list of ingredients here

        (which might still be alphabetical)

        just an educated guess – as I cannot see your order set there


          yes, your guess is right. problem solved. thanks

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