Warning: [COD] – Payment Error

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support Warning: [COD] – Payment Error

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  • #44251

      Hi Olly
      I have a problem.
      The order works well. But I always get the following message via e-mail:
      Thanks, Umut

      [2019-08-11 18:50:53] - Brunos Pizza
      URL: https://brunos-pizza.ch
      BLOG ID: 1 - ORDER ID: 6555
      ERROR - CRITICAL: 10003 | EMAIL TO SHOP FAILED: SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: [email protected]: unroutable adress: [email protected]<br />  | Array<br /> (<br />
      [type] => 8<br />
      [message] => Constant LOGGED_IN_KEY already defined<br />
      [file] => /home/brunospi/www/brunos-pizza.ch/wp-config.php<br />
      [line] => 16<br />
      )<br />
      | Recipients: [email protected] | Subject: [Brunos Pizza] - Brunner Ihre Bestellung 11. August 2019 18:50 | Headers: Array<br /> (<br />
      [0] => Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8<br />
      [1] => From: Online Bestellung <[email protected]><br />
      [2] => Reply-To: [email protected]<br />
      [3] => Cc: [email protected]<br />
      [4] => X-WPPIZZA-Version: 3.9.6<br /> )<br />
      WPDB LAST QUERY (*might* be related): SELECT * FROM wp_wppizza_orders_meta WHERE order_id = 6555 AND meta_key = 'wppizza_dbp'
      LAST PHP ERROR (*might* be related): Constant LOGGED_IN_KEY already defined IN FILE: "/home/brunospi/www/brunos-pizza.ch/wp-config.php" ON LINE: "16"


      Admin & Mod

        says it pretty much all there .
        somewhere in your email settings (templates perhaps or email in your wppizza->order settings)
        you have set an email of [email protected] that does not exist/is unroutable

        you’ll have to speak to the mail administrator of that domain to fix that (or of course not send to that email in the first place)


          Thanks Olly
          You’re right. It should do with the mail address or mail settings.
          But we get order mails without problems! If the mail address or settings is wrong, should not I receive mail or?

          In this case we get all customers orders.


          Admin & Mod

            >If the mail address or settings is wrong, should not I receive mail or
            i cannot answer that question. it entirely depends on all your other settings
            clearly though, if get the orders you are expecting to get , it works for you.
            that “error” simply tells you that there’s something that’s – let’s say – somewhat suspect.
            if you want to ignore it , feel free of course

            I would however suggest you fix it as somewhere down the line you may *not* get your order notifications anymore as mailservers might consider this to be spam at some point if an email does not exists but you are setting it to be sent from that address – all depends on your mail server setup. (this is just a synopsis, there’s a lot of stuff that can come into play here)

            You might also find that even though *you* get the emails, your customers do not .again, it all depends.

            in short: use emails in your side of the setup that exist.

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