What is the best thermal printer to purchase?

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support What is the best thermal printer to purchase?

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  • #23809
    Allan Fine

      I’m working on a new website, and if anybody could help in with information on what make, model, where they purchased it online or in a store.

      The thermal printer would have to be obviously Google cloud print friendly, whether or not it worked on its own or in conjunction with the nearby PC or laptop, it also needs to have a port for ethernet cable. As they have a POS system that hooks up directly through an ethernet cable to the current thermal printer in the kitchen.

      Any help would be surely appreciated not only by me I’m sure but by anybody working with the WP-Pizza plug-in.

      Admin & Mod

        personally , i cannot help you as i do not have one (or indeed have any need for one).
        However, maybe someone else reads this and can share his/her setup

        Kim Koldtoft

          I have done a bit of research, and I think this is a really good option.


          It’s a bit costly at 516 USD$ (as of this post) but I have had great experiences with the EPSON thermal printers, and I am looking to buy this one, as it supports Cloud Printing.

          Now I am just trying to confirm that cloud printing will be 100% stable, without having a local print server in the restaurant.

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