"your cart is empty" when clicking place order

WPPizza – A Restaurant Plugin for WordPress Support General Support "your cart is empty" when clicking place order

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  • #36718
    Kate Walker

      Hi, I have searched this problem in the forum but it seems to be linked to MSql version which I believe is correct – see system info below.

      When I click on “place order” button the order screen says “your cart is empty” – I must have changed a setting somewhere and messed it up.

      Is there anything else it could be?

      [edit by admin: please do not send system info publicly, create a new reply and set it to private (no need to do that now as i’ve seen the info)]

      Kate Walker
        Admin & Mod
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          Kate Walker
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            Admin & Mod

              from your debug log

              [13-Apr-2018 18:46:11 UTC] PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler ‘memcache’ – session startup failed ……

              that needs to be fixed (you should speak to your host)

              Kate Walker
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                Admin & Mod
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                  Kate Walker
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                    Admin & Mod

                      >response from hosting provider
                      >I tried to find some information regarding this error from a trustful source but to no avail.

                      seriously ? they have heard of google , right ?


                      Admin & Mod

                        in any event

                        >quote from your service provider:
                        >I will kindly ask you to contact the plugin support team and ask them how exactly shall we override this error.

                        they cannot possibly be serious. it’s THEIR session setup error. there’s nothing to “override” . it’s the server/hosts job to setup session handling correctly (unless of course the user – i.e you – has access to the php.ini and messed it up 🙂 )

                        Kate Walker

                          no – didn’t touch php.ini – not sure I am able to!

                          Admin & Mod

                            let me put it this way. the plugin (wppizza that is) doesn’t care one iota what kind of session handling the server uses. files, memcache,memcached or whatever else they/you want to use
                            all it cares about is that sessions work. if they do not , then the setup is simply wrong . there’s 100% nothing the plugin (author) can do about it or “suggest” other than “fix your server setup. I know nothing about it”

                            i can give you a hint though: if using memcache, the session.save_path should most certainly not be /tmp (which is what it looks like looking at your configuration you sent)

                            PS: there is always an – outside – chance though that some other plugin messes around with these things , but suffice to say, it isn’t wppizza, i can assure you

                            Kate Walker
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                              Admin & Mod

                                >Is there another log file I can check?
                                no (and even if there was , it would tell you the same thing)

                                if you do not have access to the php.ini then whoever administers your site/server needs to fix this
                                that error “PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler ‘memcache’ – session startup failed…” should be more than enough to know where to look (i.e the php sessions setup)
                                the most basic google search for that error will also show various approaches to fix this . which on would be the appropriate one , however, only the server/site admin will know

                                furthermore, php.ini’s might also be configurable for each site, so even if one site on the same host works, does not mean another one must do if the configurations differ.

                                again, if you do not have access to the php.ini (as you say you don’t) there is zero you can do (or I for that matter) and it is for the admin to fix.

                                that said (again, i think this is only a very very very VERY – you get the idea – remote possibility), you could try to de-activate all other plugins.
                                if for some mysterious reason this suddenly works you ‘ll have to find the culprit by re-activating your plugins one by one
                                if you find that de-activating all other plugins does not make any difference, the previously said applies

                                Kate Walker
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                                  Admin & Mod

                                    >but when I add an item to the menu in the original site it adds it to the new site menu.
                                    are you using a multisite setup or 2 distinctly different domains and installations

                                    Kate Walker
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                                        Kate Walker
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