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  • in reply to: Add Ingredients Issue #36599

      RE: Side Issue

      I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing wrong. I have a 3 week old newborn so I’m a tad tired. I can’t seem to print_r the arrays? They appear to just print a single “1” character rather than the array.

      I was missing

      , true);
      // Save Order To TXT File //
      add_action( 'wppizza_on_order_execute', 'print_order', 1);
      function print_order($order_id, $order, $print_templates) {
      //declare new ORDER class and assign order details to var order
      $order = new WPPIZZA_ORDER();
      $order = $order->session_formatted();
      //check if delivery or pickup
      $pickup_delivery = ($order['ordervars']['order_type']['value_formatted'] == 'For Delivery' ? 1 : 2);
      //check if order has been paid
      $order_paid = ($order['ordervars']['payment_method']['value_formatted'] == 'Cash' ? 7 : 6);
      //add pickup_delivery and order_id to txt file
      $txt = "#Gourmet*$pickup_delivery*$order_id*";
      //add each item from order into txt file, including ONE extra option
      foreach($order['order']['items'] as $item) {
      $txt .= "$item[quantity];$item[title];$item[pricetotal_formatted];$item[price_label];";
      foreach($item['extend_data']['addingredients'] as $extra) {
      $txt .= print_r($item);
      $txt .= print_r($extra);
      $txt .= print_r($item['extend_data']);
      $txt .= print_r($item['extend_data']['addingredients']);
      $txt .= var_dump($item);
      $txt .= var_dump($extra);
      //add all other order details into txt file
      $txt .= "*{$order[summary][delivery_charges][0][label]}*{$order[summary][discount][0][value_formatted]};{$order[summary][total][0][value_formatted]};{$order[ordervars][wp_user_id][value_formatted]};{$order[customer][cname][value]};{$order['customer']['caddress']['value']};{$order[customer][ctel][value]};{$order[ordervars][order_date][value_formatted]};$order_paid;{$order[ordervars][payment_gateway][value]};{$order[customer][ccomments][value]}*{$order[customer][ccustom1][value]};{$order['customer']['cemail']['value']};#\r\n";
      file_put_contents('/home2/seoexpe1/public_html/orders.txt', $txt, FILE_APPEND);
      // Save Order To TXT File //
      in reply to: Add Ingredients Issue #36598

        Hi Olly,

        Thanks for taking a look 🙂

        I wasn’t aware at the time but it appears only the Pizza’s with add ingredients enabled aren’t progressing to the thank you page. E.g. Atlantic Large 12″

        in reply to: Add Ingredients Issue #36594

          Thanks Olly,

          The development site is hosted in the subfolder here: https://seoexpertgoldcoast.com.au/gourmet/

          in reply to: Restrict by Street Address #36444

            Thanks Olly!

            in reply to: Restrict by Street Address #36442

              Hi Olly,

              Thank you so much! ^.^ Your reference to W3C Schools helped perfectly.

              I’m not very proficient with Javascript yet.

              For anyone else who may need this:
              return this.optional(element) || /(banana|lemon|mango|pineapple)/i.test(value);

              BTW, my friend would like to have these rules for payment/pickup/delivery:
              Delivery: Credit Card only (We’ll be using your stripe extension)
              Pickup: Credit Card or Cash

              Could you give me a point in the right direction? Thanks again!

              in reply to: Restrict by Street Address #36415


                I suggested this extension to our friend, they declined saying they don’t want to deliver to certain streets in the postcode -.-

                So we plan to add the street names in replacement for John|Smith|David|Luke

                in reply to: Restrict by Street Address #36414

                  Thanks Olly, I understand now. I’ve added the “My Rule” to the address field.

                  I’m getting an error I’m sure it has to do with this line, I’m not exactly sure how to include “match(/(banana|lemon|mango|pineapple)/i)” in the test string.

                  return this.optional(element) || test(value).match(/(banana|lemon|mango|pineapple)/i);


                  jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: test is not defined
                  at a.validator.jQuery.validator.methods.my_rule ((index):278)
                  at a.validator.check (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at a.validator.element (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at a.validator.onfocusout (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at HTMLTextAreaElement.b (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)
                  at HTMLFormElement.r.handle (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)
                  at Object.trigger (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)
                  at Object.a.event.trigger (jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2)
                  at Object.simulate (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)
                  jQuery.validator.methods.my_rule @ (index):278
                  check @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4
                  element @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4
                  onfocusout @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4
                  b @ jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4
                  dispatch @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
                  r.handle @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
                  trigger @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
                  a.event.trigger @ jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2
                  simulate @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
                  c @ jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3
                  jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: test is not defined
                  at a.validator.jQuery.validator.methods.my_rule ((index):278)
                  at a.validator.check (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at a.validator.checkForm (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at a.validator.form (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at HTMLFormElement.<anonymous> (jquery.validate.min.js?ver=3.2.10:4)
                  at HTMLFormElement.dispatch (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)
                  at HTMLFormElement.r.handle (jquery.js?ver=1.12.4:3)

                  The functions.php file looks like below:

                  /*-----------------------php (see also https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=filters-actions-functions)-----------------------------------------------*/
                  //to add your own rule - let's say 'my_rule'
                  function my_function($validation_rules){
                  $validation_rules['my_rule']= array( 'lbl'=> 'My Rule', 'parameters'=>false, 'callback'=>false, 'enabled'=>true);
                  return $validation_rules;
                  function validation() {?>
                  // then add the rule like so via wp_footer action hook (or add it to an already existing js file)
                  // adjust the validation pattern as appropriate for your validation rule
                  jQuery.validator.methods.my_rule = function (value, element) {
                  return this.optional(element) || test(value).match(/(banana|lemon|mango|pineapple)/i);
                  // adding a custom error message if validation fails instead of the default (not actually tested but should work just the same)
                  jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
                  my_rule: 'some error message',
                  <?php }   
                  // ENQUEUE SCRIPTS AND STYLES
                  function enqueue_theme_scripts(){
                  wp_enqueue_script( 'customjs', get_template_directory_uri() . '/ordervalidation.js', array(), '1.0.0', true );
                  add_action( 'wp_footer', 'validation', 50 );	
                  add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_theme_scripts' );

                  Thank you!

                  in reply to: Restrict by Street Address #36411

                    Hi Olly,

                    Thank you for the reference, I’ve never used that plugin before.

                    Could you please offer some more assistance?

                    in reply to: GoodCom printers #35527

                      @olly Thanks Olly!

                      in reply to: GoodCom printers #35523

                        @proof How did you program the order callback? I was thinking a custom php script that email’s the customer the pickup time? Or an Ajax time update on the order confirmation page?

                        On a side note I noticed the user manual (ref: Image1, Image2) explains to keep the ordini.txt small. To delete orders once they’re accepted? How did you do this? I can only think of either a) not doing it b) clear the whole txt file (which might clear new orders coming in at the same time) c) create a php script to selectively delete the accepted order leaving the others.

                        in reply to: GoodCom printers #35521

                          @proof You’re a legend! Thank you! I have no idea why they didn’t provide us this link… lol It’s not in the instruction booklet :\

                          in reply to: GoodCom printers #35519

                            @proof Hey proof! Thank you very very much!

                            We are struggling to connect to the wireless printer interface, we navigate to the screen that displays “Terminal ID: 426 Please set the parameters on the browser.” on the wireless printer.

                            How did you access the interface to update the settings? It appears Goodcom use the “Remote Terminal” program to update the settings?

                            On a side note, in the scenario of a pizza shop which has “extra toppings” where would you include this information in the $txt string? Would you add it after the item name in the name section? Something like ;$item[title] . ” ” . $item[extra];

                            Thanks again!

                            in reply to: GoodCom printers #35485

                              @proof Hi Proof, excellent thank you!

                              in reply to: GoodCom printers #35483

                                @Olly I believe the $order_details contains the order details required to build the string I need for the Wireless Printer.

                                After reviewing the Goodcom documentation it’s apparent I need to create a custom string to save in the .txt file supported by the Wireless Printer I don’t expect the templates would be generating at the moment the documentation explains an example string E.g #01*1*10005*1;Chicken,3.00;4;Tom;Address;15:47 03-08-10;113;7;cod:;**Comment#

                                Is there documentation of the order_details and arrays ordervars, customer, order, summary, localization so I can refer to this and build the string?

                                in reply to: GoodCom printers #35481

                                  Hi @Olly,

                                  My apologies, I’m not quite following.

                                  I can’t seem to output any data from the templates or order_detail arrays.

                                  add_filter('wppizza_on_order_execute_get_print_templates_by_id', 'my_prefix_my_filter');
                                  function my_prefix_my_filter($template_ids){
                                  $template_ids[] = 1;
                                  return $template_ids;
                                  add_action('wppizza_on_order_execute', 'my_prefix_my_action', 10, 3);
                                  function my_prefix_my_action($order_id, $order_details, $print_templates){
                                  $txt = "Start";
                                  $txt .= $order_id;
                                  foreach ($order_details as $item => $val) {
                                  $txt .= "$item = ";
                                  $txt .= print_r($val);
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$delivery_type'];
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$customer']['name'];
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$customer']['email'];
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$customer']['address'];
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$customer']['telephone'];
                                  $txt .= $order_details['$customer']['comments'];
                                  foreach($order_details['items'] as $item) {
                                  $txt .= "$item[name];$item[quantity];$item[pricetotal];";
                                  file_put_contents('../ordini.txt', $txt, FILE_APPEND);

                                  Output ordini.txt

                                  Start53site = 1ordervars = 1customer = 1order = 1summary = 1localization = 1
                                  in reply to: GoodCom printers #35474

                                    Hi Olly 🙂

                                    Thank you for the quick response!

                                    I’m not sure if I’m on the right track I need to get the print template into a .txt file for the Wireless Goodcom Printer.

                                    add_filter('wppizza_on_order_execute_get_print_templates_by_id', 'my_prefix_my_filter');
                                    function my_prefix_my_filter($template_ids){
                                    add details of a template id defined in WPPizza -> Templates -> Print
                                    for it to be available in subsequent wppizza_on_order_execute action hook as 3rd parameter
                                    $template_ids[] = 1;/* get details of print template with id 3 */
                                    $txt = $template_ids;
                                    return $template_ids;
                                    file_put_contents('../ordini.txt', $txt, FILE_APPEND);
                                    in reply to: GoodCom printers #35470

                                      Hi Proof & Olly!

                                      I’m working on building a website for a friend of mine who runs a Pizza & Pasta delivery service.

                                      We’re hoping to use WP Pizza & some addons to get the job done. My friend has bought a Goodcom wireless printer and we’ve been attempting to integrate with WP Pizza. As you mentioned the previous post https://www.wp-pizza.com/topic/integration-with-goodcom-wireless-order-printer/ is outdated.

                                      Would you be so kind as to share the code you have so far?


                                    Viewing 17 posts - 21 through 37 (of 37 total)