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  • Olly
    Admin & Mod

      >Would you be able to implement this change?
      Sorry, but I do not offer customisations (please see: https://docs.wp-pizza.com/faqs/?section=customisation)
      Furthermore, what you are describing is not exactly something that could be implemented in a couple of lines of code, so even if I were to offer customisations, I can guarantee you you would not like what I would have to charge for a one-off thing like this.

      I could add a filter to the postcode plugin that could then be used by someone to filter code availabilities/validities depending on whatever conditions you want , but that’s as far as it goes I’m afraid.

      in reply to: Issue with the Ingredients Plugin #70001
      Admin & Mod

        actually, this is in fact the last update in the main wppizza plugin (v.3.19.5) that causes this. will be fixed very soon

        in reply to: Issue with the Ingredients Plugin #69999
        Admin & Mod

          PS: you can work around this one for the moment by copying one (or many) of the other ones and renaming them from “abz (copy)” to what you then need

          in reply to: Issue with the Ingredients Plugin #69998
          Admin & Mod

            Must have something to do with the introduction of allowing additives to be added to ingredients in 5.3 though cannot be 100% sure .
            Regardless, I’ll fix that (later today I would hope) Thanks for the report

            Admin & Mod

              sorry, I got confused with a different topic that’s about a different kind of redirect.
              I’ll have a look..

              Admin & Mod

                works just fine here (map or no map ), but there are of course a million possible option combinations.
                can you provide an example somewhere with a “walkthrough” so to speak where I can see this not working ?
                and specifically a: “I’m expecting this to happen” but instead I get “this is happening”

                in reply to: Bold category name in HTML template #69583
                Admin & Mod

                  wrong place.
                  That particular one is set in wppizza->layout

                  am not going to bore you with the details why that was moved there , though maybe something to look at again at some point as this was done years ago, but for now, it’s there

                  in reply to: deactivate pre order during opening times? #69523
                  Admin & Mod

                    Preorder v3.12 allows for this now to be enabled in the settings

                    Hope that helps

                    Admin & Mod

                      >Was referring to my old theme…
                      Ok, thanks for the clarification.

                      >Almost every commercial theme…
                      It’s not actually themes themeselves – or indeed woocommerce – that were the issue, but elementor (as you know of course)
                      but I’ll spare you the details as it’s quite irrelevant now

                      >Oh my God…that fixed the problem!
                      Glad to hear it

                      >I spent hours trying to solve it somehow and you have fixed it now
                      Only possible because you provided the info and details I asked for . So you can thank yourself too 😉

                      Don’t cry. It’s almost xmas. Time to rejoice and all that and if you have any more / other issues, get in touch. I cannot fix or amend things if I know nothing about them


                      Admin & Mod

                        >but the provider removed it from the portfolio years ago and because of all the PHP updates
                        Sorry, but I do not understand that statement. Could you expand on that ? what provider removed what exactly ? I am also somewhat puzzled as to what you mean by you can only use it on “outdated php versions “. wppizza is being developed with latest php (and with even not yet marked as stable future / development php versions)

                        >delivered with WooCoomerce
                        I don’t follow. WPPizza has nothing to do with woocommerce ?!

                        Other than that you might also find that 3.19.2 will fix your thank you page issue.
                        (As it happens, when dealing with something else a few days ago, I stumbled across a different way to implement the thank you page output which I believe works around all these potential theme and page builder incompatibilities.)

                        In any event, it is of course entirely your choice to switch to woocommerce if you so wish .

                        Admin & Mod

                          As of 5.3 of the postcode plugin the redirection should work (again)
                          furthermore – as mentioned above in this thread – there is also now a ‘redirect’ attribute added that can be used in the shortcode (see https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=delivery-by-post-zipcode).

                          Hope that helps

                          in reply to: New WP Version breaks Grid #69398
                          Admin & Mod

                            Just out of curiosity, I had a dig around. So below some comments which may (or may not) be helpful
                            Not exhaustive research though. Maybe it helps someone somewhere.

                            >If I upload the pictures directly it seems to work.
                            Yup. If you upload pics the regular way with wordpress, it generates 4 distinct separate images scaled and/or cropped.
                            exmage-wp-image-links (other/similar plugins may do the same) simply uses the image you added which then gets resized via css and image attributes. No actual resizing/cropping is taking place.
                            Since WP 6.7 WP adds the ‘auto’ attribute – if it’s missing and in certain circumstances – to the image sizes attribute.
                            So if the actual (thumbnail) image is meant to be square – but the actual image is not – it will simply be distorted to make it square.

                            As it turns out, you can actually turn this off with the filter below, but this might have implications elsewhere.
                            I did not want disappear all the way down that rabbit hole – so if you do that , make sure to check all your images / pages .
                            Perhaps it works or perhaps it’s just a starting point . All depends on your particular site setup and many other factors. Suffice to say, it’s out of my (wppizza) hands and evidently something that WP introduced to the detriment of these kind of plugins…

                            //remove auto from image sizes attribute (if set to lazy) 
                            add_filter('wp_img_tag_add_auto_sizes', 'myprefix_img_tag_remove_auto_sizes');
                            function myprefix_img_tag_remove_auto_sizes(){
                            return false;
                            in reply to: New WP Version breaks Grid #69387
                            Admin & Mod

                              Has nothing to do with wppizza. WPPizza does not set image sizes like that.
                              it only ever gets the thumbnail depending on what’s set as thumbnail sizes
                              and generates and outputs something like this:

                              <img width="64" height="64" src="http://[somedomain]/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/pizza-64.png" class="wppizza-article-image-thumb wp-post-image" alt="" title="Special Pizza" />

                              your theme – or some plugin – generates this:

                              <img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="768" height="768" 
                              class="wppizza-article-image-thumb wp-post-image" 
                              title="Pizza POMODORI" 
                              srcset="https://[somedomain]/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pizza_pomodori.png 300w, https:/[somedomain]e/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pizza_pomodori-150x150.png 150w, https://[somedomain]/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pizza_pomodori.png 768w, https://[somedomain]/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pizza_pomodori.png 1024w, https://[somedomain]/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/pizza_pomodori.png 800w" 
                              sizes="auto, (max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px">

                              you will also find that where your images look the right size the last declaration is

                              sizes="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px"
                              instead of
                              sizes="auto, (max-width: 768px) 100vw, 768px"

                              i.e whatever generates the “auto” is your culprit. Only you will know whether that’s a theme or plugin. I can guarantee you though it’s not wppizza

                              Admin & Mod

                                Forget the screenshot.
                                I think there’s simply a misunderstanding here. From what I can see, this works all just fine and as intended.

                                A few things:

                                >When selecting the pick-up option, the “Our Menu” page does not appear as expected.
                                From what I can see (correct me if I’m wrong) you put the wppizza_dbp shortcode on your homepage.
                                If you put it on a page that does not have a cart/menu item on there it simply sets the choices made by the customer in the background so a subsequent visit to your wppizza menu page will take this into consideration. Nothing other than that will happen .
                                The idea of the shortcode is to offer an alternative to the popup (plugin settings). It cannot have any idea if or indeed where you want to redirect to.

                                That said, there’s of course always the possibility that I misunderstand the problem you are referring to. If so , let me know.

                                Furthermore, thinking out loud here , perhaps I could add an attribute to the plugin short code options in th enext update that would allow you to set a redirection pageid or something when the “OK” was clicked.
                                I’ll think about that

                                >However, the new version has more problems than the old one
                                How so ?

                                Admin & Mod

                                  Can you post a screenshot of your postcode plugin options/settings please

                                  in reply to: Which database tables contain all wppizza+plugin settings? #69374
                                  Admin & Mod

                                    there is no such thing.
                                    wppizza is a regular wordpress custom post type which is therefore adding it’s db entries in multiple tables alongside other db entries.
                                    However, wppizza does not really care about themes (unless you customised them somewhat in which case I would recommend the paragraph here regarding portability https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=filters-actions-functions) so you can simply switch between themes as you wish – though themes will need their own setup of course

                                    in reply to: Pre Selected items not in cart #69362
                                    Admin & Mod

                                      Option 1: you name the ingredient accordingly. i.e call it “ohne Olives” in the first place
                                      (you may want to also then enable option: ‘Omit “1x” in cart, order and account history?’ – though the 1x is still shown initially when choosing. I may look into this at some point )

                                      Option 2: The much easier option is to simply add a textfield ( custom groups => add textbox to item) where the customer can write this sort of thing.

                                      Personally I always found Option 2 above complete overkill (and it would not make the administration of it all any simpler). I believe it only manages to confuse people and is only really that useful for some specific situations.
                                      Customers (most of them anyway) are quite capable to say if they do not want something from a menu item (or perhaps they should order something different to start off with – but that’s somewhat academic here).
                                      Just my 2 cents worth though

                                      The choice is yours of course

                                      in reply to: Pre Selected items not in cart #69359
                                      Admin & Mod

                                        > the pre-selected items are already the main ingredients
                                        in which case they should not be an additional selectable ingredient .
                                        E.g a (typical) Pizza Margharita is a pizza topped with tomato, mozzarella, and fresh basil.
                                        Unless you want the customer to be able to add “extra mozarella” – in which case you would add an “extra mozarella” ingredient – it would simply not be available as an add ingredient (you would probably want to write “pizza topped with tomato, mozzarella, and fresh basil” in the product description instead though)

                                        Admin & Mod

                                          Ok, so:
                                          Elementor adds lots and lots of surrounding elements to the orderpage widget (about a dozen or more)
                                          Interestingly, after payment (i.e on the so-called “thankyou page”) it does not add those wrapper elements anymore.
                                          Why ? I have no idea.
                                          That said – given the popularity of elementor – I’ll have a look as to whether it’s something they should perhaps be doing or I should perhaps be doing and/or find a workaround/fix if applicable. I simply do not know yet where the issue is exactly
                                          so will probably not be something that can be done quickly as it may have many implications elsewhere.

                                          That said, if the only page where you are having issues is your thank you page, there is certainly an easy fix by simply adding the following (adjust as required) to your css somewhere (see https://docs.wp-pizza.com/advanced/?section=frontend-css-styles-layout). This is a very specific override to that widget there so should be quite safe to use

                                          padding-top: 100px;
                                          margin: 0 20%;

                                          PS: if you enable debug on your site you will see that elementor throws lots and lots of database errors. which may – or may not – be related. Just mentioning it though that really is something for them to fix.

                                          That’s it from me for now on this subject

                                          Admin & Mod
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