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  • Olly
    Admin & Mod

      apologies for the delay – I had responded in my head, but never put it to paper so to speak.
      Regardless, looking at your site , your (wppizza related ) plugins – specifically the post/zipcode plugin – are several years out of date, so I would suggest you update those to to most recent version to start off with.
      Furthermore, enabling debugging is also always a good thing to do if you have any issues ( see https://docs.wp-pizza.com/troubleshooting/ )

      PS: your site also links to localhost images/links that do not work obviously

      in reply to: Error message for Delivery By Post/ZipCode #69233
      Admin & Mod

        that would indicate you either have a serious issue somewhere (see your debug.log – https://docs.wp-pizza.com/troubleshooting/ ) or you have been/are caching your pages (or both)

        in reply to: Error message for Delivery By Post/ZipCode #69214
        Admin & Mod


          looking at your site, you are running a version of the postcode plugin that is over 7 years old (v 4.0.7 – Oct 2017) , so I would first of all suggest you update it to the most recent version (v5.2.3 as of writing).

          in reply to: WP-PIZZA Language Setting Changed After WordPress 6.7 Update #69204
          Admin & Mod

            Just for info:

            It appears that WP 6.7+ does not want to read two text domains in the same plugin (anymore).
            The wisdom of that escapes me, but alas this is what it seemingly is.
            The good thing is – talking about wppizza related stuff – that this only affects the main wppizza plugin.
            All/any wppizza extensions should be unaffected I believe.

            I’ll see if I can still somewhat keep admin and frontend translation files separate in a different way and will release an update asap.
            Worst case scenario, I’ll have to merge the 2 language files – which would not really be that dramatic, just a bit of a nuisance

            We’ll see how it goes. I would think it will all be good again in the next few days – allowing for some testing .

            Thanks for the heads-up (for temporary workaround see above)

            in reply to: WP-PIZZA Language Setting Changed After WordPress 6.7 Update #69197
            Admin & Mod

              PS: as a quick fix until either WP updates things their end or I find a suitable workaround – whatever happens first –
              you could copy the language files you need – i suspect in your case wppizza-admin-de_DE.mo and wppizza-admin-de_DE.po from wp-content/plugins/wppizza/lang into wp-content/languages/plugins
              so they will be read form there

              in reply to: WP-PIZZA Language Setting Changed After WordPress 6.7 Update #69194
              Admin & Mod

                on second thoughts , it really looks like WP messed up here and broke things …
                see: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/62337

                I’ll follow that thread for a while and dig around a bit anyway, but will probably wait until WP 6.7.1 until I do something about this ( for a few days anyway).

                in reply to: WP-PIZZA Language Setting Changed After WordPress 6.7 Update #69193
                Admin & Mod

                  Not sure if this was intentional or a mistake by WP’s devs, but suffice to say that’s quite a nasty change that happened there and I suspect will affect lots of plugins and theme’s (WPPizza or not)

                  Relatively easily fixed I think (though I have not yet 100% worked through all the the implications) but needs an update to the wppizza plugin (as well as – almost all – associated extensions) .
                  So that’ll be me being busy for a few days then…
                  I’ll make updates available asap – starting with the main WPPizza plugin of course..

                  Thanks for flagging it, I probably would not have noticed for quite some time otherwise.

                  in reply to: New ingredients functions #69173
                  Admin & Mod

                    While I was messing around with various things it occurred to me that this sort of thing already exists in the pickup prices plugin – https://www.wp-pizza.com/downloads/wppizza-pickup-prices/

                    you simply need to enter -0 into any pickup price for an item . If you apply the -0 to all pickup-prices (i.e variations) of an item, the whole item will become unavailable on pickup…

                    in reply to: New ingredients functions #69104
                    Admin & Mod

                      wppizza is a custom post type, category__not_in will not work there. you will need taxonomy queries

                      $args['tax_query']['relation'] = 'AND' ;
                      $args['tax_query'][1]['taxonomy'] 			=  WPPIZZA_TAXONOMY ;
                      $args['tax_query'][1]['field'] 			=  'id' ;
                      $args['tax_query'][1]['terms'] 			=  array(16) ;/* 16 being your beer/wine cat */ 
                      $args['tax_query'][1]['include_children'] 			=  false ;
                      $args['tax_query'][1]['operator'] 			=  'NOT IN' ;

                      that said, having thought about this a bit more, I think this is actually going down the wrong path as you would also have to find a way to reload the page when switching between pickup/delivery . Do-able but somewhat unnecessarily complicated altogether if you ask me.

                      perhaps a (somewhat) better approach is actually some js here .

                      every item has a title with an id , that is made up of blogid, catid, postid, sizes(tier)id, in tier id like

                      <h2 id="wppizza-article-1-2-8-3-0" class="wppizza-article-h2">

                      so you can select all ‘wppizza-article-h2’ on a page , get the id’s , split by ‘-‘ to then get all ‘cat ids’ so to speak
                      and show/hide depending on pickup/delivery value and when switching between the two (you’d still need to set the session in the cart accordingly with a php filter)

                      advantage being you do not have to reload any pages so much faster (still many pitfalls on the way to be encountered , but personally i think a better approach)

                      I might make this sort of thing into a plugin myself as i can see the possible need for this in certain circumstances, but at the moment we are where we are

                      in reply to: New ingredients functions #69100
                      Admin & Mod

                        PS: taking items off the page would not stop an item from being added to the cart first and then pickup being changed to delivery (or vice versa).
                        If you want to prevent that too , it gets a lot more complicated although you could perhaps run/add the filter below as well and removing the non-permitted items in the cart as required

                        $session = apply_filters('wppizza_fltr_session', $session);

                        (though not tested in any shape or form – just an idea off the top of my head)

                        Alternatively you of course have two sites (multisite setup perhaps) one for pickup, one for delivery

                        in reply to: New ingredients functions #69099
                        Admin & Mod

                          you would need to put your dough selection it into it’s own (custom) group . (with a “…choose one only…” setting I would think)
                          Otherwise it’s just another ingredient.

                          Regarding pickup / delivery :
                          there’s a ‘wppizza_filter_loop_args’ filter that lets you set the arguments (i.e the posts returned). so in conjunction with

                          /* do something if pickup selected*/

                          for example (https://docs.wp-pizza.com/developers/?section=global-wppizza-functions)
                          I would think you could exclude posts (i.e post id’s ) as required . Probably simply getting all wppizza posts(ids) that belong to your beverages category and exclude/include as required

                          alternatively, some conditional – again , based on wppizza_is_pickup() that simply removes the beverages shortcode of the page where you have it (or exclude that page entirely from your site when it’s pickup)

                          Up to you which way you want to do this of course

                          in reply to: New ingredients functions #69068
                          Admin & Mod

                            sounds like you need to setup/add an “exclude” ingredients custom group

                            in reply to: Add Additives to Ingredients #68929
                            Admin & Mod

                              Ok, now you are describing this, I can reproduce this (it’s got to do with your first one having an ident of zero most likely)

                              I’ll fix that

                              in reply to: Add Additives to Ingredients #68927
                              Admin & Mod

                                works just fine here. did you check your debug log and browsr console for errors ?

                                in reply to: Add Additives to Ingredients #68880
                                Admin & Mod

                                  FYI: v5.3.1 should have this fixed now

                                  in reply to: Add Ingredients Plugin Version 5.3 – Error Message Appears #68879
                                  Admin & Mod

                                    as of 5.3.1 this should be fixed now, but of course , let me know if you still have issues

                                    in reply to: Add Ingredients Plugin Version 5.3 – Error Message Appears #68863
                                    Admin & Mod

                                      I’ve no idea what happened there.

                                      I’ll fix this in the next couple of hours or so with 5.3.1 update .
                                      In the meantime, you could simply change

                                      'name'=>$this->render_tags($v['item']) . $this->render_additives($k, $v),
                                      back to
                                      'name'=>$this->render_tags($v['item']) ,

                                      so it stops throwing those errors (or of course downgrade back to 5.2.2 – whatever is easiest)

                                      Apologies for messing this up

                                      in reply to: Add Additives to Ingredients #68857
                                      Admin & Mod

                                        hold off on updating. I introduced an errror in 5.3
                                        will be fixed asap

                                        in reply to: Add Ingredients Plugin Version 5.3 – Error Message Appears #68854
                                        Admin & Mod

                                          forget all of that . the render_additives function got lost in the upload somehow.
                                          I’ll fix that asap.

                                          thansk for reporting

                                          in reply to: Add Ingredients Plugin Version 5.3 – Error Message Appears #68853
                                          Admin & Mod

                                            also, have you checked your debug.log ?
                                            is there anything i there ?

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 21 through 40 (of 4,413 total)