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Hi Tom,
in short: up to a point
the add ingredients extension allows you to setup custom groups (for lack of a better word)
i.e you could say “pizza a” allows to add dessert a or b or c for example (free or plus some additional price per topping – up to you)
and various other options (if you go to and select “Make Your Own Pizza” you can get an idea. happy to expand/explain more if required.furthermore, i am in the middle of testing an updated version of this extension that allows adding toppings for half/quarter pizzas (or whatever meal you choose) as well as pre-selecting or excluding toppings on a per menu item (meal) basis and a few other bits and bobs. this hopefully will be ready in a week or so ( I will make an example available in the 2012 theme somewhere)
having said that , at the moment there’s no option to say “order 3 for x £” etc and add toppings to each
(something i need to look into in conjunctions with so-called coupons i suspect)although you could call your menu item “3 pizzas” of course for a certain price you set depending on size, I suspect it would get messy or at least not very obvious to whoever fulfills that order….
happy to provide more detail if required
still “delivey by post/zipcode” appears to be exactly what you need (have a look at the screenshots here set up postcodes (or whatever else you want to categorize your customers by like store north, store south etc) and send the email to the relevant branch (email)
sounds like the “delivey by post/zipcode” perhaps is what you need ? (provided the menu/categories stay the same)
am a bit confused to be honest.
first it’s different menu, now it’s same menu just different branches.
not quite sure exactly what to suggest other than the above , but feel free to expand a bit . maybe I’m just a bit dense at the momentHi,
I agree with you. There should be a way to assign this to a given user role.
At the moment, that is not the case and I will integrate something for this in one of the next updates.
Having said that , there are 2 ways around this as it stands:a) use a user role editor plugin to enable things as required
b) send me your transaction id and email address you used when you purchased the plugin/extension and I’ll send you a customised version in the next day or two which will do that and tie you over until such time I have managed to integrate this functionality.
(option b is probably a better idea as all the role editors i used in the past are either ridiculously complicated or buggy. let me know what you prefer)
Hi Carl,
first of all: note to self – must sort out the formatting of this page at some point. I took the liberty to just put some line breaks into your reply for readablity.
(actually the whole site could probably do with a change…one day)secondly, allow me to retort and yes, let me be defensive of my work (why shouldn’t I be !?)
in no particular order:
“is what I’m talking about…”. At least I know now what you are talking about. It really wasn’t clear to me from everything you said previously (hence I always said something along the lines of “maybe i’m missing something”, “feel free to correct me ! etc etc….but maybe I’m just stupid)
when going to burger king / or wherever , you have a one-on-one talk with a person where you can discuss things etc. when you order things online and pay there and then – by its nature – you don’t.
re: “imagine going to Burger King and asking for a few extra pickles and they say, “Sorry, you get the pickles we give you.””
Can you please tell Burger King to export your shops over here ? Because “Sorry, you get the pickles we give you.” is EXACTLY the answer you’d get if you were to ask for this here.
If you just want extra Mayo , you go to the corner of the shop where the Box with Mayo is. To me, that’s the equivalent of the comments textbox on the order/checkout Page as it’s not menu item specific.I cannot think of one online shop where you can say “i want to order this – pay here – , but actually no , I would like to have some more bits I’ll just write it in a box and get these too….(sure on some you can leave comments per item but that doesn’t change the order itself). Having said that , maybe you know of one and can send me link which might give an idea as to how one could implement this.
Either way though. None of this is relevant. The plugin clearly doesn’t do what YOU want it to do. That’s a shame, but maybe you need to look at another solution for your sub sandwich customer.
Furthermore, I have to say I am feeling a bit irked by your comments
as far as I am concerned , we had a discussion about what this option was all about. No point of me trying to program stuff if I dont even know what it is supposed to be doing.
saying that I do not reply to or take into account users comments I find – quite frankly – offensive (especially given the conversation we had about order history etc right below this conversation. I even wrote some code for you to make it work for you as per your requirements)
Furthermore, if you look back over our exchange here you’ll find that may absolutely first response was “is not such a bad thing per se (and I might just add that option at some point).” -
if i were not open to users suggestions, we wouldn’t even have this discussion and neither would the plugin have many of the options it has
Gilads request is an ENTIRLY different thing. And if you were to read my reply, you would have seen that it’s something I am planning to do (in fact am in the middle of doing) because it’s a good idea…
Denis’ request: I quite clearly answered that one with reasoning why – along the lines he suggested – it’s neither practical nor user-friendly (or at least i could not come up as yet with any reasonable solution)
I have answered absolutely EVERY users emails sent to me (quite literally hundreds), comments in this message section as well as support requests on …mostly within hours.
Furthermore, pretty much every users suggestion – if possible and halfway useful to more than one person – has been implemented so far or is in development.
This plugin and its extensions were/are developed and maintained in my spare time as a hobby and to get a better idea of how WordPress works as I was and am developing a few WP sites.
From there it grew into this thing that takes up a lot more time than is healthy. Just to be clear – and i hazard a guess that’s the case for most worpdress plugins – the plugin and extensions will never even come close to recouping their development costs. Not to mention the time spent on supporting users .
Am I claiming it is perfect? No, of course not.
Am I saying it works for absolutly every scenario ? No.
Do I listen to users suggestions ? Absolutely, all the time . (claiming otherwise is just wrong)If this plugin doesn’t work for you. Feel free not to use it.
If you don’t want to use the extension. I’ll refund you.
If you want a total custom solution, pay someone to program this from scratch and be prepared for a (well into the) 5-figures bill.
If you find me difficult to deal with for some reason ? Don’t use it , don’t demand things and don’t ask for help .Saying things like “I will have to find another option if that is the case. I need a solution soon.” and ” but we need to have the ability” etc sound just demanding and rude
As i said previously: once we had established what it is you actually need/want I would have integrated that when time allows without any costs to anyone (and will probably still do that). Simply because I think it’s not a bad idea and might be useful.
I just felt the need to clarify a few things regarding where I am coming from and to what this all sounded like to me.
As always, maybe I have misunderstood things. Feel free to comment etcOlly
on second and third thoughts…..
if you have a pre-configured sub where the customer then says ” i want 10x cheese” would your client be happy to do that without charging extra for it ? (as the shoppingcart will – of course – not be able to reflect this in the price it calculates)
also, wouldn’t it be a better (or at least additional) idea to add another menu item to the preconfigured ones called “build your own sub” and then let the customer add what he likes (and get charged for it of course). i.e exactly like a build your own pizza ?
hmm, to be honest, it doesn’t sound like you need an “add ingredients” plugin at all.
Surely, the point of this is to stop people having to write things like “extra cheese” etc but to just click on things (with the added advantage that they can get charged for it if necessaryif one adds a textbox to the add ingredients section of a product to allow the customer to then say “i don’t want any cheese” it kind of defeats the point of the whole thing.
furthermore, you would only get this textbox on items that have any selectable ingredients to start off with. As you describe it though, there wouldn’t be any as the item would be pre-configured so to speak , and the customer would just write some text saying “your preconfigured is fine, but i don’t like xyz” or “I would like a couple of extra cows with my sub” ….
it would strike me as a better idea, to add an option to the main plugin that allows you to globally enable a – possibly show/hide – textbox for every menu item which – if any comment is added there by the customer will get added to the cart regardless of the existence of any “add ingredients”
(essentially this text would be displayed in the cart / on the orderpage in addition to any ingredients that may or may not have been selected)….c)
>I could have people change it I suppose…
well, you could but you will not be able to ever use/benefit from any future updates to the plugin without re-applying your changes (which might not even work anymore anyway when the plugin changes )>The idea is why build a car yourself if they have them made already? I just need a piece added to the car.
- being somewhat facetious – :
- Customer: “Sir, I have a Fiat 500 and would like it to have a 500PS engine”
- Seller: “Buy a Ferrari….”
anyway, does the above make sense to you ?
Again, I am happy to add options and discuss things, but at this junction I am not convinced the “add ingredients” extension is the right place to look for the scenario you are describing
a few thoughts:
a) being able to write/leave some additional comments is not such a bad thing per se (and I might just add that option at some point. However,…
b) your rationale behind why you would want to / need to use it strikes me as a bit strange.
Surely, if I want “extra mayo” i just add extra mayo as an ingredient. Conversely, if I do not want any pickles I just do not add any to start off with. Obviously, that means having “mayo” and “pickles” selectable as an ingredient to start off with, but then again that should be the case regardless…(no point of anyone asking for mayo if you don’t have any anyway)
I might of course miss something here. Feel free to correct me ….c) Don’t mean to be rude, but who is “we” ? (as in “we need to have the ability” etc) From what I can tell – so far at least – it’s only you who seems to “need” these things. No-one else appears to be missing anything along the lines you have been mentioning ….
(might have misunderstood things though, feel free to shoot me down in flames 🙂 )as always, happy to discuss……
ah ok. i see where you are coming from, but I think you are missing something which you should be doing:
you do not need to/shouldn’t give them administrator access.
as the order history is only available to users with editor or above privileges I would do the following in your scenario:
get yourself a version of advanced access manager [AMM](although i found it a bit buggy in places – especially with woocommerce – in most cases it works reasonably well) or any other role editor plugin you might like
make a new role called “shopowner” (or whatever you want to call it) as a copy of the “editor” role which will already take away access to most things in the backend.
now you can use the AMM to take away everything you like from the “shopowner” role and just leave access to the order history only if you want by restricting access to everything else in access manager main menu.
as AMM is a bit crap in places (but its the best one i have found so far) you might have to goto AMM capabilities and deselect “manage categories” as well for that “shopowner ” role. anyway, play with it you’ll probably get the idea when you see itI would strongly suggest – before doing anything with AMM – to backup your db and also definitely create a new role and set this under capabilities to be a copy of editor first so you dont screw up any other “normal” wordpress roles when editing things.
now just create a new user with this “shopowner” role and tell your clients use that one. nothing they can screw up then.
and if you really want straight away redirect them to the order page put something like this in your themes function.php
function shopowner_login_redirect( $redirect_to, $request, $user ) {
if ( !is_wp_error( $user ) ) {
$redirect=admin_url();/*everybody else*/
if($user->data && $user->data->user_login=='shopowner'){
return $redirect;
add_filter( 'login_redirect', 'shopowner_login_redirect', 10, 3 );
err, if you password protect the page the user still has to use a username and password too, so there are not any more clicks as in using the – perfectly valid, styleable etc – wordpress login. sorry , that makes no sense to me
regarding people not being able to see behind the curtain:
the most fleeting look at the source of any wordpress page will tell anyone that you are using wordpress (if that;s what you are worried about for some unknown reason). i really cannot see the point of your request, but feel free to expand. maybe i am still misunderstanding thingsof course you will always have to login to the backend.
otherwise anyone could just have a look at the orders which I’m sure is not what you (or more importantly your client) wants ….
or maybe i’m missing somethingsorry, there’s no way to do that at the moment other than writing something on the (order or whatever) page saying that you do not deliver before 12 or something
fix what exactly ?
also, are you saying you don’t deliver during openingtimes ?
if you are delivering during opening times but also at other times , then i would think this is pretty much irrelevant, as you cannot order anything when the shop is closed anyway …(but maybe i’m missing something)sounds to me like you want everything different from one to another. so you really need 2 websites (dedicated or multisite/network)…am i missing something ?
re 1: yes you could, if you are happy to / want to program it yourself (which might of course not be what you had in mind. dunno though).
if you want to do it yourself, i can make a template or some such thing with comments on how to do that bearing in mind the way the plugin is written
Anyway,ignoring that, at the moment only PayPal Gateway and Omnikassa (available in a day or two) exist.
Maybe you want to let me know which gateway you were interested in and i’ll see what I can do. If it’s a commonly used gateway I am probably willing to just program it and charge the same as for the paypal thing (as it will probably be useful to other people and i would get back (at least part of) the development costs that way) if it’s something a bit more obscure, I’d be happy to quote you for implementing it if you want. Entirely up to you of course
re 2: ingredients for half pizzas etc are not implemented in that extension at the moment . it’s something i need to do – i know – but i do not have an ETA when that will be possible/available
re 3: yes you can. there’s something called “custom groups” in that extension where you could just make a group with certain ingredients that are free – or not , your choice.
(as an example , go to and check out the “Pizza and Salad or Wings” . (but you can also make some of the ingredients free whereas others are additional etc etc . it’s just an example)re 4, i assume that we are talking about the same as under “2”.. so the same applies.
not yet, but is something i will look into (in fact , it will be done in a way that you will be able to choose between offering half/quarter/thirds whatever… i said though , its not yet implementedhope the above helps, but let me know if you have any further questions
a: just change this line to whatever you need
.wppizza-article-price-lbl:after{content: url(‘img/cart-black-12-12.png’);position: relative;top: 2px;margin-left: 2px;}b: >…they will need a wordpress login…
yes, no need to reinvent the wheel as there’s already usermanagement built in to wordpress. however, wordpress does not – natively – add addresses etc. there are plugins though that add whatever customs fields you like to the user info.
after that , you can just add this to the template as required.
alternatively – you could wait until i get round to do something about the logged in / re-ordering / history of things as addresses when ordering get already stored in the db. the plugin is just not doing anything with it ….telefone: there are just too many ways a telephone number can be formatted (different countries different formats) to do too much checking. having said that, one could probably add a function that at least takes out the most obvious invalid characters….i’ll put that on my list of things to do
spam: i cannot see this ever be too much of a problem as the whole thing only works with javascript enabled and people clicking on things. spambots don’t do that . if it should ever become a problem (never say never) i’ll do something about it. for the moment i really cannot see any need (if you must and really want to annoy your customers you can always add some captcha thing to the order page template)
> I would really like to purchase a pro version..
i don’t understand. what pro version ? there’s the free plugin and some extension that go with it>have a way so customer can dynamically add or take off quantities within the cart
well. it doesn’t do that (at the moment anyway and there are no immediate plans to do something about that> repeat customers to be able to login so that they can either reorder
have a read here:
i talked about that alreadya: > easy way to have a big ‘add to cart’ button instead…
its controlled via css, so you can change it there to whatever you likeb: >customer doesn’t have the put in their address each time they order
if the are logged in, email address and name fields already get populated automaticallyc:>discount codes.., do you have plans for these
not in the immediate future, but i’ll put it on my list of things to do . no ETA thougha: what do you mean “other plugins use this function”
b: get your host to enable it. (it’s absurd that it’s turned off. its a website for crying out load)
c: and/or try and change wppizza->settings->type of mail delivery (try phpmailer)Hi,
>ingredient to be removed from an already existing pizza?
i heard this before and have thought about this. However, so far I have not been able to come up with anything sensible that would NOT make the whole thing insanely messy, confusing and just generally very outlined in my reply to your previous comment – you would have to set your ingredients for EVERY menu item so its’s somewhat pre-configured and then it can get de-selected as required…it’ll be a nightmare for the administrator to setup and maintain as – for starters – the mealprice has to be entered WITHOUT the automatically selected ingredient prices for accurate calculations to take place on (de)selecting ingredients.
I’ll keep thinking but can’t promise anything along those lines in the immediate future.furthermore, a chicken and ham sandwich without the chicken is just a ham sandwich.. no? 🙂
>if a user could register an account and save a “preset”
it’s somewhere on my list of things to do (one of the problems/things to consider being, what happens if you don’t offer this pizza anymore or the ingredients have changed , or you have renamed them , repriced theme etc etc …). it’s not as easy to do as it sounds at first glancesorry, don’t man to be all that negative about your suggestions, but I have had a thought about most of those (and several others) and there’s one reason or another why these options aren’t there.
feel free to come up with more ideas though. I’m happy to integrate more/improved options if at all possible
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